Dr Antonios Katris

Research Fellow

Centre for Energy Policy


Personal statement

Antonios a Research Fellow at the Centre for Energy (CEP) at the University of Strathclyde. His academic background includes studies in both mathematics (at undergraduate level) and economics (at postgraduate level). He holds a PhD (University of Stirling) in environmental economics and his expertise includes analyses using input-output frameworks and computable general equilibrium (CGE) models. He joined CEP in 2015 as a researcher for the EPSRC-funded project ‘Energy Saving Innovations and Economy-wide Rebound Effects’ where his research focus was on the potential economy-wide impacts of energy efficiency improvements. The early focus of his work was on the wider economic and societal impacts of energy efficiency policies at Scottish and UK level, through different EPSRC Impact Accelerator projects. More recently, he expanded his research focus to include decarbonisation of transportation, through solutions such as the roll-out of electric vehicles. Currently he focusses on industrial decarbonisation, primarily through the use and operation of CCUS, the electrification of residential heating and more generally the ‘just’ transition to a low carbon economy.

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Professional Activities

Meeting with DESNZ Energy Security team
Interview on wider economy impacts of CCUS and links to hydrogen for HIL eMagazine
Meeting with SPEN
Meeting with DLUHC
Meeting with HMT Climate Policy lead
Humber Cluster Event: Informing understanding and decision-making on jobs and skills in relation to the decarbonisation of UK industry clusters

More professional activities


Sea Change Alpha
Sims, Ryan (Principal Investigator) Galloway, Stuart (Co-investigator) Hunter, Lewis (Co-investigator) Katris, Antonios (Co-investigator) Speirs, Jamie (Co-investigator)
07-Oct-2024 - 30-May-2025
Labour market and other wider economy challenges in decarbonising the UK’s industry clusters [LAB-CLUSTER] (IDRIC Wave 2)
Turner, Karen (Principal Investigator) Calvillo Munoz, Christian (Co-investigator) Katris, Antonios (Co-investigator) Race, Julia (Co-investigator) Corbett, Hannah (Researcher)
01-Feb-2023 - 29-Feb-2024
UK leadership in Net Zero Policy implementation
Turner, Karen (Principal Investigator) Corbett, Hannah (Researcher) Katris, Antonios (Researcher)
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Dec-2023
Delivering a sustainable and equitable heat transition in the UK (SEHT)
Turner, Karen (Principal Investigator) Calvillo Munoz, Christian (Research Co-investigator) Alabi, Oluwafisayo Titilope (Researcher) Hawker, Graeme (Researcher) Katris, Antonios (Researcher) Stewart, Jamie (Researcher)
01-Sep-2021 - 30-Apr-2024
Identifying how residential energy cost reduction policies could facilitate UK’s transition to net zero (IAA)
Turner, Karen (Principal Investigator) Katris, Antonios (Research Co-investigator)
29-Jun-2020 - 28-Feb-2021
Who ultimately pays for and who gains from the electricity network upgrade for EVs to support the UK?s net zero-carbon ambitions?
Turner, Karen (Principal Investigator) Alabi, Oluwafisayo Titilope (Research Co-investigator) Calvillo Munoz, Christian (Research Co-investigator) Katris, Antonios (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jun-2020 - 30-Apr-2021

More projects

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Dr Antonios Katris
Research Fellow
Centre for Energy Policy

Email: antonios.katris@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 5966