Professor David Kirk
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Area of Expertise
- Curriculum historian
- Qualitative researcher
- Curriculum designer
- School-based intervention designer
- Physical education teacher educator
Prize And Awards
- Best Paper Award by the American Educational Research Association Special Interest Group in Research on Instruction and Learning in Physical Education 2017
- Recipient
- 27/4/2017
- Fritz Duras Memorial Lecture
- Recipient
- 22/11/2013
- International Fellow
- Recipient
- 1/9/2012
- Fellow
- Recipient
- 1/7/2010
- Fellow
- Recipient
- 1/7/2005
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- 'Fighting like a girl' : qualitative analysis of the gendered movement learning in the Spanish Olympic karate team
- Turelli Fabiana Cristina, Vaz Alexandre Fernandez, Tejero-González Carlos María, Kirk David
- Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy Vol 29, pp. 521-538 (2024)
- Applying Models-Based Practice in Physical Education
- Casey Ashley, Kirk David
- Routledge Focus on Sport Pedagogy Routledge Focus on Sport Pedagogy (2024)
- Psychometric validation of the tactical assessment instrument in football for use in physical education and with youth sport teams
- Barquero-Ruiz Carmen, Kirk David, Meroño Lourdes, Arias-Estero José L
- Perceptual and Motor Skills Vol 131, pp. 589-611 (2024)
- "We could perform much better if we had specific training for girls" : impacts of the embodiment of tradition for elite-level karateka women
- Turelli Fabiana, Kirk David, Fernandez Vaz Alexandre
- Retos Vol 55, pp. 47-56 (2024)
- If 'the medium is the message', what do students learn to do in NLP and GBAs within physical education?
- Barquero-Ruiz Carmen, Kirk David
- Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education Vol 15, pp. 40-57 (2024)
- deportigualízate : enacting critical intersectional feminist pedagogy in Spanish PESTE
- Castro-García Marina, Landi Dillon, Kirk David
- Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy (2023)
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- Physical education and sport pedagogy
- Curriculum change, including curriculum history
- Curriculum design
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Research Interests
Professor Kirk has research interests in curriculum innovation and change, curriculum history, and physical education and sport pedagogy.
Professional Activities
- Promouvoir une éducation physique de qualité en intégrant la théorie de l'activité: inviter l'élève à devenir agent de son apprentissage au 21 ème siècle
- Contributor
- 25/2/2020
- L’utilisation des méthodes mixtes dans un paradigme socio-constructiviste de recherche en éducation physique et pédagogie du sport
- Speaker
- 25/2/2020
- SERA Network - Health and Wellbeing Research in Education (External organisation)
- Member
- 2018
- Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy (Journal)
- Editor
- 1/7/2004
- Literacies for Health and Life Skills
- Kirk, David (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jul-2020 - 31-Dec-2023
- Literacies for Health and Life Skills
- Kirk, David (Principal Investigator)
- 01-Jan-2020 - 31-Dec-2023
- Female Sports Fandom in the North East: A Historical study of Female Fandom & the Critical Intersections Between Sports Spectatorship and Participation (Mentor for Stacey Pope)
- Kirk, David (Principal Investigator)
- Female Sports Fandom in the North East: A Historical study of Female Fandom & the Critical Intersections Between Sports Spectatorship and Participation (Mentor for Stacey Pope)
- 31-Aug-2016 - 28-Feb-2021
- Autism Network Scotland - Scottish Strategy for Scotland administration of National Governance Group, consultation forum and sub group activity and coordination activity
- Christie, Donald (Co-investigator) Hanley, Emma Mairi (Co-investigator) Kirk, David (Co-investigator)
- 15-Mar-2014 - 31-Mar-2021