Professor Sergey Kitaev

Mathematics and Statistics


Personal statement

I am Professor of Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and the Associate Dean (Research) in the Faculty of Science. I also serve as the Head of the Mathematical and Stochastic Analysis Group, the co-Head of the Applied and Discrete Analysis Group, and the Head of the Strathclyde Combinatorics Group. I am an editor of Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A (JCTA), Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society (PEMS), and Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications (ECA). My research interests include, but are not limited to, Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Discrete Analysis, Formal Languages and Optimisation.

Recent research has included studies in the theory of patterns in combinatorial structures and the theory of word-representable graphs. My book Patterns in Permutations and Words, published by Springer (EATCS monographs in Theoretical Computer Science book series) in 2011, is the first comprehensive source over results and trends in the fast-growing field of patterns in permutations and words. My other book Words and Graphs, published by Springer (EATCS monographs in Theoretical Computer Science book series) in 2015, is a comprehansive introduction to the theory of word-representable graphs that I pioneered alone, a field enjoying ever greater attention by other researchers, and with the ultimate goal of finding applications for analysis of algorithms on graphs and robot scheduling. Also, I'm involved in a project on optimal distribution of resources across a city or a region.  

See my personal page for more information.

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Patterns in permutations and words
Kitaev Sergey
Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series (2011)
(2+2)-free posets, ascent sequences and pattern avoiding permutations
Bousquet-Melou Mireille, Claesson Anders, Dukes Mark, Kitaev Sergey
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A Vol 117, pp. 884-909 (2010)
Crucial words and the complexity of some extremal problems for sets of prohibited words
Evdokimov A, Kitaev Sergey
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A Vol 105, pp. 273-289 (2004)
Word problem of the Perkins semigroup via directed acyclic graphs
Kitaev Sergey, Seif Steven
Order Vol 25, pp. 177-194 (2008)
Alternation graphs
Halldorsson Magnus, Kitaev Sergey, Pyatkin Artem
Graph-theoretic concepts in computer science 37th International workshop on graph-theoretic concepts in computer science, 2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol 6986, pp. 191-202 (2011)
Enumerating (2+2)-free posets by indistinguishable elements
Dukes Mark, Kitaev Sergey, Remmel Jeffrey, Steingrimsson Einar
Journal of Combinatorics Vol 2, pp. 139-163 (2011)

More publications

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  • Combinatorics
  • Graph Theory
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Computability and Complexity
  • Algorithms
  • Business Analytics
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Research Interests

  • Combinatorics
  • Graph Theory
  • Discrete Analysis
  • Formal Languages 

Professional Activities

AMS-MAA joint Meetings
Invited speaker
AMS-MAA joint Meetings
Invited speaker
International Permutation Patterns Conference
Keynote/plenary speaker
Member of the Steering Committee of the Permutation Patterns Conference (Event)
Journal of Discrete Mathematics (Journal)
10th International Conference on Permutation Patterns

More professional activities


Shortening universal words and DNA sequence assembly
Kitaev, Sergey (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2024

More projects

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Professor Sergey Kitaev
Mathematics and Statistics

Tel: 548 3665