Dr Markus Klein




Personal statement

Markus Klein is a Reader in Human Development and Education Policy and the Director of Research in the Strathclyde Institute of Education. He has been a member of the Institute since January 2016.

Prior to this, he served as a research fellow for the ESRC-funded Applied Quantitative Methods Network (AQMeN) at the University of Edinburgh (2013-2015) and earned a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Mannheim in 2013.

His research examines the formation of socioeconomic inequalities at various stages of the life course by employing quantitative methods and secondary data analysis.

Recently, he has taken a keen interest in the socioeconomic causes and effects of school absences. He was the PI of the ESRC SDAI project 'Family background and educational attainment: An investigation into the mediating role of school absenteeism' and is the PI of the project 'Understanding school attendance, education, and labour market outcomes' funded by the Nuffield Foundation. For more information on these projects see: schoolattendance.org.

His work has appeared in numerous sociology and education journals, including Sociological Science, Child Development, European Sociological Review, AERA Open, and the British Educational Research Journal.

Dr Klein is a Life Course Research Affiliate at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Children and Families over the Life Course at the University of Queensland. He also serves on the Editorial Board of the BSA journal Sociology.

Dr Klein supervises research in the areas of child development, school attendance, educational inequality, social mobility, education policy, educational returns, and comparative studies.

More information on his research can be found on his personal webpage.


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Professional Activities

OECD Peer-learning discussion I – Monitoring of school attendance problems and early leaving from education and training
Keynote/plenary speaker
CQIS Attendance Conference , South Lanarkshire Council
Keynote/plenary speaker
Promoting School Attendance: Questions for Research, Policy, and Practice
Interview in radio show 'Toronto Today with Greg Brady' (640 Toronto)
Symposium: Understanding the multifaceted impact of pupil absences on academic achievement: Timing, trajectories, psychosocial pathways and sociodemographic differences, BPS Psychology of Education Annual Conference
The short- and long-term consequences of school absences
Invited speaker

More professional activities


Housing inequalities and child wellbeing: how does growing up in rented accommodation affect health, wellbeing and cognitive development of children in Scotland?
Fiori, Francesca (Academic) Henderson, Marion (Academic) Klein, Markus (Academic)
ESRC - SGSSS Steers - Datasets (Grant Ref: ES/Y001699/1)
01-Oct-2024 - 31-Mar-2028
Family socioeconomic status and school absenteeism – The role of behavioural and psychosocial dispositions
Sosu, Edward (Principal Investigator) Klein, Markus (Co-investigator) Marta, Samara (Post Grad Student)
01-Oct-2022 - 30-Sep-2026
Is school absenteeism harmful to education and labour market outcomes?
Klein, Markus (Principal Investigator) Sosu, Edward (Co-investigator)
01-May-2022 - 30-Sep-2024
Proposal for Process and Impact Evaluation of the East Lothian Tutoring Initiative (ELTI)
Sosu, Edward (Principal Investigator) Cassidy, Claire (Co-investigator) Kennedy, Aileen (Co-investigator) Klein, Markus (Co-investigator)
06-Jan-2021 - 30-Sep-2021
Family background and educational attainment: An investigation into the mediating role of school absenteeism
Klein, Markus (Principal Investigator) Sosu, Edward (Co-investigator)
Family background and educational attainment: An investigation into the mediating and moderating role of school absenteeism
01-Jun-2018 - 31-Mar-2023
Nurturing School Ethos to Improve Educational Attainment
Cassidy, Claire (Principal Investigator) Holmes, Joanna (Co-investigator) Klein, Markus (Co-investigator) Sosu, Edward (Co-investigator)
01-Aug-2017 - 31-Mar-2019

More projects

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Dr Markus Klein

Email: markus.klein@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 444 8120