Dr Sanjeev Kumar

Research Associate



Personal statement

I am keen to begin a career in Physics. Therefore, I want to obtain postdoctoral Scientist/Assistant professor experience in physics from recognized Universities or Institution. To gain more and more knowledge and develop myself as a better researcher by continuous learning and thus, to utilize the knowledge and experience gained. My research interests span the area of ultrafast nonlinear optics. I have specific interest in laser beam shaping, laser modification in transparent materials, laser-plasma interaction, and particle acceleration.

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Method of producing 100 keVs ion beams from a gas jet using two intense laser pulses
Yigitoglu Keskin Merve, Pring Willow, Perez-Hernandez Jose Antonio, Matellanes Roberto Lera, Mill Jason, de Luis Diego, Boudjema Nardjesse, Varela Oscar, Garcia-Garcia Enrique, Mendez Valverde Cruz, Brunetti Enrico, Ersfeld Bernhard, Kumar Sanjeev, Wiggins Mark, Gatti Giancarlo, Volpe Luca, Roso Luis, Demirkoz M Bilge, Jaroszynski Dino
Proceedings of SPIE 12579, Laser Acceleration of Electrons, Protons, and Ions VII (2023)

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Dr Sanjeev Kumar
Research Associate

Email: sanjeev.kumar@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 5748