Dr Clemens Kupke

Senior Lecturer

Computer and Information Sciences


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A fresh look at commutativity : free algebraic structures via fresh lists
Kupke Clemens, Nordvall Forsberg Fredrik, Watters Sean
The 21st Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems, pp. 1-20 (2023)
Forward and backward steps in a fibration
Turkenburg Ruben, Beohar Harsh, Kupke Clemens, Rot Jurriaan
10th Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science (2023)
Preservation and reflection of bisimilarity via invertible steps
Turkenburg Ruben, Kupke Clemens, Rot Jurriaan, Schoen Ezra
Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures ETAPS 2023 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 328-348 (2023)
Measure-theoretic semantics for quantitative parity automata
Cîrstea Corina, Kupke Clemens
31st EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic Computer Science Logic 2023 Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics Vol 252, pp. 14:1-14:20 (2023)
Infinite horizon extensive form games, coalgebraically
Capucci Matteo, Ghani Neil, Kupke Clemens, Ledent Jérémy, Nordvall Forsberg Fredrik
Mathematics for Computation (2023) (2023)
Size measures and alphabetic equivalence in the μ-calculus
Kupke Clemens, Marti Johannes, Venema Yde
Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, LICS 2022 37th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS) Proceedings - Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (2022)

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Professional Activities

Scottish Programming Languages and Verification Summer School 2024
Contributed talk TYPES 2024: "Extensional Finite Sets and Multisets in Type Theory"
Scottish Programming Languages and Verification Summer School 2019

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Maths DTP 2021/22 University of Strathclyde | Watters, Sean
Kupke, Clemens (Principal Investigator) Nordvall Forsberg, Fredrik (Co-investigator) Watters, Sean (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2021 - 01-Jan-2025
COVER: COalgebraic Foundations for Quantitative VERification
Kupke, Clemens (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2020 - 01-Jan-2025
Industrial Case Account - University of Strathclyde 2019 | Fontana, Enrico
Kupke, Clemens (Principal Investigator) Atkey, Bob (Co-investigator) Fontana, Enrico (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2019 - 01-Jan-2024
KTP - Symphonic Software
Atkey, Bob (Principal Investigator) Kupke, Clemens (Co-investigator)
06-Jan-2017 - 05-Jan-2019
Coalgebraic Foundations of Semi-Structured Data (EPSRC First Grant)
Kupke, Clemens (Principal Investigator)
"Databases are irreplaceable in our modern information society. Classically, information has been stored in rigidly structured databases employing the relational data model and the query language SQL. This has led to highly optimised relational database management systems such as Oracle or Mircrosoft SQL that have large-scale industrial deployment. Underpinning much of the success of these systems has been their close connection with their mathematical foundations within relational algebra and mathematical logic. However, the internet has dramatically changed our understanding of data and databases: i) data on the Web is inherently hierarchical and arranged in a network/graph; and ii) the decentralised nature of the Web means that data comes from various heterogenous sources, is often incomplete or unreliable and has no uniform structure. Still, Web data retains some structure and, consequently, semi-structured data seeks to understand what structure persists and how it can be utilised. Examples of widespread, industrially-used data models are XML, JSON and RDF.

Mathematically, semi-structured data is usually represented as unranked labelled trees where nodes are accessed via the parent, child and sibling relations or labelled graphs where nodes are accessed via the edge relation. Data elements are stored at the nodes. Due to the special features of Web data mentioned above, query languages for semi-structured data face significantly greater challenges compared to those for data stored in a relational database: i) queries must navigate the path structure within a tree or graph and query the data elements found along such paths to explore important properties of the data; and ii) one must add a common vocabulary to the data - often via an ontology - that provides a logical layer for integrating semantically related data from heterogeneous sources. But as semi-structured data models have become increasingly sophisticated and expressive - e.g. in order to model the uncertainty attached to the data - the development of matching query and ontology languages have struggled to keep pace. Indeed, while there is a large body of work on specific semi-structured data models and their corresponding query languages there is currently no comprehensive theory that both accounts for existing semi-structured data formats and their query languages, and is able to guide their extension to the next generation of semi-structured data formats. For example, while the widely used query language XPath has been recently extended from XML to graph data, there is currently no agreed mechanism to further extend XPath to graph data with uncertainty.

Our central insight is that coalgebra provides the right level of abstraction to underpin a comprehensive theory of query and ontology languages for semi-structured data. This is because i) coalgebra generalises - via coalgebraic modal logic - the usual modal logics used for traversing trees and graphs; and ii) coalgebra generalises - via coalgebraic logic programming - standard rule-based ontology languages which are based upon logic programming."
01-Jan-2016 - 31-Jan-2018
Ghani, Neil (Principal Investigator) Kupke, Clemens (Co-investigator) McBride, Conor (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2014 - 31-Jan-2017

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Dr Clemens Kupke
Senior Lecturer
Computer and Information Sciences

Email: clemens.kupke@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3121