Dr Rafet Kurt


Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering


Personal statement

My principal research interests lie in the field of human factors in the maritime domain. I have investigated the effects of noise and vibration on human performance and developed human response models for noise and vibration levels onboard ships. My research interests also include design, optimisation and operation of ships, by considering the human factors in the core of the subject.

Besides my main research area, I have also been actively working in the area of ship recycling.  Since 2018, I have been working in the area of ship recycling and I have contributed to the development of tools, models and training tailored for the unique needs of ship recycling sector. I am also involved in following EU funded ship recycling projects; FP7 DIVEST Project, LLP Ship DIGEST Project and LLP Boat DIGEST Project. I have contributed to the development of international regulations and guidelines


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Development of a novel integrated value engineering and risk assessment (VENRA) framework for shipyard performance measurement : a case study for an Indonesian shipyard
Baihaqi Imam, Lazakis Iraklis, Kurt Rafet Emek
Ships and Offshore Structures Vol 19, pp. 1118-1133 (2024)
A hybrid human reliability analysis approach for a remotely-controlled maritime autonomous surface ship (MASS- degree 3) operation
Sezer Sukru Ilke, Ahn Sung Il, Akyuz Emre, Kurt Rafet Emek, Gardoni Paolo
Applied Ocean Research Vol 147 (2024)
Analyzing human reliability for the operation of cargo oil pump using fuzzy CREAM extended Bayesian Network (BN)
Sezer Sukru Ilke, Elidolu Gizem, Aydin Muhammet, Ahn Sung Il, Akyuz Emre, Kurt Rafet Emek
Ocean Engineering Vol 299 (2024)
Development and research directions in ship recycling : a systematic literature review with bibliometric analysis
Moussa Ahmad A, Farag Yasser BA, Gunbeyaz Sefer Anil, Fahim Nader S, Kurt Rafet Emek
Marine Pollution Bulletin Vol 201 (2024)
An approach to advance circular practices in the maritime industry through a database as a bridging solution
Okumus Dogancan, Gunbeyaz Sefer A, Kurt Rafet E, Turan Osman
Sustainability Vol 16 (2024)
Circular economy approach in the maritime industry : barriers and the path to sustainability
Okumus Dogancan, Gunbeyaz Sefer Anil, Kurt Rafet Emek, Turan Osman
Transportation Research Procedia Vol 72, pp. 2157-2164 (2023)

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Professional Activities

Sustainability (Journal)
Guest editor
1st International Maritime Human Factors Symposium
The Second International Conference on Maritime Technology and Its Application
Keynote/plenary speaker
Accident investigation and using SHIELD taxonomy
SAFEMODE Conference in Istanbul
Invited speaker
Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri (PPNS)
Visiting lecturer

More professional activities


Empowering Early Career Researchers to advance maritime decarbonisation in Indonesia (International Science Partnerships Fund Early Career Fellowship)
Kurt, Rafet (Principal Investigator) Gunbeyaz, Sefer Anil (Co-investigator) Race, Julia (Co-investigator) Turan, Osman (Co-investigator)
01-Dec-2024 - 30-Nov-2026
Strengthening Cyber Resilience and Navigational Safety in Turkish Straits: Development and Testing of Prevention Strategies in Simulated Environments
Turan, Osman (Principal Investigator) Kurt, Rafet (Co-investigator)
01-Aug-2024 - 31-Jul-2026
KTP - Montrose Port Authority. Montrose Port’s role as green energy hub through the identification of the energy needs of different transport modes.
Gunbeyaz, Sefer Anil (Principal Investigator) Kurt, Rafet (Co-investigator) Turan, Osman (Co-investigator)
01-May-2023 - 30-Apr-2025
Future Ports and Marinas: Supporting the decarbonisation transition with decision support
Gunbeyaz, Sefer Anil (Principal Investigator) Kurt, Rafet (Co-investigator) Turan, Osman (Co-investigator) Okumus, Dogancan (Researcher) Tornaci, Furkan (Researcher)
03-Apr-2023 - 29-Sep-2023
Future Ports and Marinas: Supporting the decarbonisation transition of ports and marinas with a decision support tool
Kurt, Rafet (Co-investigator)
Project Budget £23,097 (Transport Research and Innovation Grants 2022 (TRIG))
01-Mar-2023 - 31-Aug-2023
AI-Based adaptive learning in AR and VR environment for advanced seafarer training to enhance maritime safety and shipboard technical skills and measurable competency output
Turan, Osman (Principal Investigator) Kurt, Rafet (Co-investigator)
01-Feb-2023 - 31-Jul-2026

More projects

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Dr Rafet Kurt
Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering

Email: rafet.kurt@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 4697