Dr David Li


Biomedical Engineering


Personal statement

David Li is a Reader in Optoelectronics at the Department of Biomedical Engineering. He received his PhD in electrical engineering from the National Taiwan University. He then joined the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan, as an R&D engineer working on 1.25-12.5Gbps optical communication chipsets and wireless communication IP, knowledge transfer, and international joint projects (with Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA).

From 2007 to 2011, he worked at the Institute for Integrated Micro and Nano Systems, University of Edinburgh, on the European projects "MEGAFRAME" and "METOXIA" for CMOS single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) based fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) cameras and analogue front-end circuits. He has invented several hardware-embedded imaging processors, which resulted in the first video-rate FLIM imaging on CMOS SPAD arrays.

In January 2014, he joined the Centre for Biophotonics, SIPBS, after his first lecturing position in biomedical engineering and embedded systems at the School of Engineering and Informatics, University of Sussex (where he led a research team working on industry-funded projects).

His current research activities include the development of time-resolved imaging and spectroscopy systems for biomedical applications, fluorescence-based sensing systems, digital signal processing, embedded systems, and artificial intelligence-enhanced image analysis. He has been working with researchers within the UK and overseas, such as the Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, France, China, the USA, and Taiwan.

Please also check https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?hl=en&user=UFE7FyIAAAAJ.

David would be delighted to collaborate with colleagues or hear from potential PhD candidates interested in exploring any aspect of imaging/sensing and biomedical instrumentation research.



BE905: Biosignal Processing and Analysis (Spring)

BE908: Biomedical Instrumentation (Autumn)



Three Available Studentships (two 4-year EngD and one 3-year PhD):

One 3-year PhD studentship in fast imaging techniques for blood flow measurements (starting as soon as possible from 2025).

Two 4-year EPSRC Applied Photonics EngD studentships (from September 2025)

1. Ophthalmic imaging with time and spectral resolution (with Occuity Ltd. based in Reading), https://cdtphotonics.hw.ac.uk/project/ophthalmic-imaging-with-time-and-spectral-resolution/

2. Remote, range-resolved ultra-violet Raman spectroscopy for safety in hydrogen fuel and nuclear industries, https://cdtphotonics.hw.ac.uk/project/remote-range-resolved-ultra-violet-raman-spectroscopy-for-safety-in-hydrogen-fuel-and-nuclear-industries/

Candidates interested in these projects could send CVs and transcripts to him for further discussion.


Other funding opportunities for post-graduate students, postdoc researchers and visiting scholars:

China Scholarship Council: http://en.csc.edu.cn/ (for students in China) 

Commonwealth Scholarships: http://cscuk.dfid.gov.uk 

EU Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowships: http://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/

Newton Fellowships: http://www.newtonfellowships.org 

Royal Society Newton Mobility Grant: https://royalsociety.org/grants-schemes-awards/grants/newton-mobility-grants/ 

Royal Academy of Engineering Newton Mobility Grant: http://www.raeng.org.uk/grants-and-prizes/international-research-and-collaborations/newton-fund-programmes/newton-research-collaboration-programme

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Towards high-performance deep learning architecture and hardware accelerator design for robust parameters analysis in diffuse correlation spectroscopy
Zang Zhenya, Wang Quan, Pan Mingliang, Zhang Yuanzhe, Chen Xi, Li Xingda, Li David Day Uei
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine Vol 258 (2025)
A two-stage interpolation time-to-digital converter implemented in 20 and 28 N·m FGPAs
Wang Yu, Xie Wujun, Chen Haochang, Pei Chengquan, Li David Day-Uei
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Vol 71, pp. 15200-15210 (2024)
Multi-scale frequency-adaptive-network-based underwater target recognition
Zhuang Lixu, Yang Afeng, Ma Yanxin, Li David Day-Uei
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering Vol 12 (2024)
Smartphone-based optical sectioning (SOS) microscopy with a telecentric design for fluorescence imaging
Jiao Ziao, Pan Mingliang, Yousaf Khadija, Doveiko Daniel, Maclean Michelle, Griffin David, Chen Yu, Li David Day Uei
Journal of Microscopy Vol 296, pp. 10-23 (2024)
Object classification through heterogeneous fog with a fast data-driven algorithm using a low-cost single-photon avalanche diode array
Zang Zhenya, Li David Day Uei
Optics Express Vol 32, pp. 33294-33304 (2024)
A comprehensive overview of diffuse correlation spectroscopy : theoretical framework, recent advances in hardware, analysis, and applications
Wang Quan, Pan Mingliang, Kreiss Lucas, Samaei Saeed, Carp Stefan A, Johansson Johannes D, Zhang Yuanzhe, Wu Melissa, Horstmeyer Roarke, Diop Mamadou, Li David Day-Uei
NeuroImage Vol 298 (2024)

More publications

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Efficient machine learning approaches for biomedical imaging
Li, David (Principal Investigator) Li, Chenxu (Researcher) Wu, Junxi (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2027
Compact time-resolved spectroscopy techniques for injury assessment
Li, David (Principal Investigator) Zhang, Yuanzhe (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2026
How does EFR3 control insulin-stimulated plasma membrane dispersal of GLUT4?
Gould, Gwyn (Principal Investigator) Li, David (Co-investigator) McConnell, Gail (Co-investigator) Van de Linde, Sebastian (Co-investigator)
15-Jan-2023 - 14-Jan-2026
Embedded AI for time-resolved imaging and spectroscopy
Li, David (Principal Investigator) Li, Xingda (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 01-Jan-2026
Smart low-cost diffuse correlation spectroscopy for monitoring brain blood flow (Quantic)
Li, David (Principal Investigator)
21-Jan-2022 - 01-Jan-2024
Advanced spectroscopy techniques for biosensing
Li, David (Principal Investigator) Pan, Mingliang (Researcher)
01-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2025

More projects

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Dr David Li
Biomedical Engineering

Email: david.li@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3431