Mr Alasdair Macdonald

Lead Tutor

Centre for Lifelong Learning


Personal statement

Alasdair is a Teaching Fellow and Lead Tutor in the department of Genealogical Studies within the Centre for Lifelong Learning. He has been involved in family history research for over 30 years and has a particular interest in the Scottish Highlands. He completed his MSc on Scottish baronies. He was previously employed for many years within the defense and aerospace industry. His research interests focus on the use of DNA in genealogical research. He is currently researching the origin and linkage of male lineages in the British Isles using Y-chromosomal DNA. He also specializes in Scottish land records and palaeography. Alasdair is one of the administrator of the Scottish DNA Project and the Flemish in Scotland DNA Project.

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Alasdair is a Fellow of The Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

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  • Genetic genealogy
  • Lineage research
  • Medieval and early modern genealogy
  • Scottish Clans and Families
  • Other genealogical topics for the English speaking world would be considered
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Professional Activities

Exploring your Scottish genealogy using Y-DNA

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Declaration of Arbroath Family History Project
Holton, Graham (Principal Investigator) Macdonald, Alasdair F (Principal Investigator)
Research into the individuals associated with the Declaration of Arbroath and their families and genetic genealogy research to discover previously unknown descents from these individuals through DNA testing.

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Mr Alasdair Macdonald
Lead Tutor
Centre for Lifelong Learning

Tel: 548 4352