Professor Allan MacInnes
Emeritus Professor
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- John Ogilvie : the smoke and mirrors of confessional politics
- MacInnes Allan I
- Journal of Jesuit Studies Vol 7, pp. 34-46 (2020)
- https://doi.org/10.1163/22141332-00701003
- Living with Jacobitism, 1690-1788 : The Three Kingdoms and Beyond
- MacInnes Allan, Graham Lesley, German Kieran
- Political and Popular Culture in the Early Modern Period Political and Popular Culture in the Early Modern Period, Vol 9 (2014)
- Introduction : living with Jacobitism
- MacInnes Allan, Graham Lesley, German Kieran
- Living with Jacobitism, 1690-1788 The Three Kingdoms and Beyond (2014) (2014)
- Covenanting exchanges with the French court during the wars for the three kingdoms
- MacInnes Allan
- E-rea : Revue electronique d'etudes sur le monde Anglophone Vol 11 (2014)
- https://doi.org/10.4000/erea.3678
- Union, Empire and global adventuring with a Jacobite twist
- MacInnes Allan
- Jacobitism, Enlightenment and Empire, 1680-1820 (2014) (2014)
- Introduction : identity, mobility and competing patriotisms
- MacInnes Allan, Hamilton Douglas
- Jacobitism, Enlightenment and Empire, 1680-1820 (2014) (2014)
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Professional Activities
- Paris IV Sorbonne (External organisation)
- Chair
- 10/2011
- Restoration conference
- Participant
- 7/2011
- Conference on Jacobitism, Anti-Jacobitism, diaspora and culture
- Participant
- 6/2010
- Economies of Empire, Huntington Library, San Marino, California
- Participant
- 1/2010
- New Zealand Conference of Historians,
- Keynote/plenary speaker
- 11/2009
- Contributor to three programmes on scientific and technological contribution of Scotland to Modern World for BBC 2.
- Participant
- 10/2009
- The role of jacobitism in the development of Scotland's commercial and imperial links from 1680-1830 - The AHRB Research Centre for Irish and Scottish Studies
- MacInnes, Allan (Principal Investigator)
- 01-Jan-2008 - 31-Jan-2009
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Emeritus Professor
Email: allan.macinnes@strath.ac.uk
Tel: Unlisted