Professor Charles Norman MacLeod
Electronic and Electrical Engineering
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Prize And Awards
- Babcock International Group / Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Sensor Driven Automated High-Integrity Welding
- Recipient
- 1/3/2022
- The Engineer - Collaborate to Innovate Finalist AWESIM
- Recipient
- 1/3/2022
- The BINDT Annual Conference Award
- Recipient
- 5/9/2019
- University of Strathclyde Faculty of Engineering Knowledge Exchange Award (2016)
- Recipient
- 1/8/2016
- Knowledge Exchange Award
- Recipient
- 2016
- University of Strathclyde EPSRC Doctoral Prize 2014/2015
- Recipient
- 1/1/2015
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- Detection of out-of-plane waviness in carbon-fibre reinforced plastics : comparing different non-destructive evaluation modalities
- Gomes Rylan, Mohseni Ehsan, Pierce SG, Burnham Kenneth, Hifi Amine, Macleod Charles N, Maes Vincent, Chandler Matthew, Barnes Andy, Munro Gavin
- 2024 IEEE SENSORS IEEE Sensors 2024 2024 IEEE SENSORS, pp. 1-4 (2024)
- Application of Golay-based total focusing method using a high-frequency, lead-free, flexible ultrasonic array for inspection of thick non-planar industrial components
- Germano Elmergue, Tabatabaeipour Morteza, Mohseni Ehsan, Lines David, MacLeod Charles N, Lam Kwok-Ho, Hughes David, Trodden Heather, Gachagan Anthony
- NDT and E International Vol 150 (2024)
- Interpass peening impact on residual stress in wire-arc additive manufactured Ti 6Al-4V using phased-array ultrasonic testing
- Walker Joseph, Mills Brandon, Javadi Yashar, Sun Yongle, Taraphdar Pradeeptta Kumar, Sillars Fiona, MacLeod Charles Norman, Gachagan Anthony, Pierce Gareth
- ASTM International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing 2024
(2024) - A pulsed eddy current sensor for UAV deployed pipe thickness measurement
- Zhao Taiyi, Watson Robert, Zhang Dayi, McMillan Ross, Galbraith Walter, MacLeod Charles, Mohseni Ehsan, Dobie Gordon
- IEEE Sensors Journal Vol 24, pp. 33326-33335 (2024)
- Study of residual stress using phased array ultrasonics in Ti-6AL-4V wire-arc additively manufactured components
- Walker Joseph, Mills Brandon, Javadi Yashar, MacLeod Charles, Sun Yongle, Taraphdar Pradeeptta Kumar, Ahmad Bilal, Gurumurthy Sundar, Ding Jialuo, Sillars Fiona
- Sensors Vol 24 (2024)
- Advancing carbon fiber composite inspection : deep learning-enabled defect localization and sizing via 3-Dimensional U-Net segmentation of ultrasonic data
- McKnight Shaun, Tunukovic Vedran, Pierce S Gareth, Mohseni Ehsan, Pyle Richard, MacLeod Charles N, O’Hare Tom
- IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control Vol 71, pp. 1106-1119 (2024)
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Professional Activities
- 61st Annual Conference of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing
- Participant
- 3/9/2024
- The 77th Annual Assembly of International Institute of Welding (IIW) and International Conference on Welding and Joining
- Participant
- 7/7/2024
- NEWAM Final Industry Day
- Organiser
- 18/6/2024
- Host
- 22/5/2024
- UK & Ireland IEEE UFFC Chapter Annual Meeting 2024
- Participant
- 14/5/2024
- Lincoln Electric France SAS.
- Visiting researcher
- 5/3/2024
- Non-destructive inspection of redundant flasks (GC 866)
- Zabalza, Jaime (Principal Investigator) MacLeod, Charles Norman (Co-investigator) Mohseni, Ehsan (Co-investigator) Murray, Paul (Co-investigator)
- 20-Jan-2024 - 19-Jan-2024
- KTP 10106664: Knowledge transfer partnership between University of Strathclyde and ETHER NDE LIMITED
- Mohseni, Ehsan (Principal Investigator) Dobie, Gordon (Principal Investigator) MacLeod, Charles Norman (Principal Investigator)
- ETher NDE has identified a significant potential market for in-process Non-Destructive inspection, of high temperature additive manufacturing.
In most traditional material manufacture, inspection is done on a finished soliditem after manufacture. Whereas in additive manufacture, there is the opportunityfor inspection as the layers are built up. This would be particularly relevant forparts where the core is an open lattice (for reasons of weight reduction), whichmakes conventional non-destructive testing (NDT) at the best very difficult and atworst impossible.
It is imperative that the new product offering is integrated seamlessly with ETherNDE's existing technology where complementary hardware and applicationrequirements align. The innovative proposed product will be designed to work withexisting Eddy Current hardware from ETher's product range. There'll be a PCapplication to facilitate data collection, display, analysis, and reporting.
The metal additive manufacturing market is still emerging, and engagement withAM machine builders has revealed a significant gap in NDT technology. ETherNDE is ready and well-positioned to enter the Eddy Current array market for metalAM in aerospace, and other sectors, with the vision and ambition of overtakingtraditional in-process inspection, thereby helping them gain a technological edgeover their global competitors. - 01-Jan-2024 - 30-Jan-2027
- KTP 10106861: Knowledge transfer partnership between University of Strathclyde and NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO UK LIMITED
- Mohseni, Ehsan (Principal Investigator) MacLeod, Charles Norman (Principal Investigator) Lines, David (Principal Investigator)
- The National Oilwell Varco UK Limited team in Forfar is responsible for the standardisation of non-destructive evaluation (NDE)procedures for our equipment across the globe. Conventional calibration practicedby NOV can be unreliable, as the testing equipment may travel thousands of milesoverseas after the initial calibration. The rigours of the journey could can alter thecharacteristics of the calibration equipment and thus make comparison toequipment in the field unreliable. NOV's oilwell drilling components are oftenmetres in span and extremely heavy, which makes it practically impossible to havestandard reference blocks of the same size as the original equipment. Introducingportable, down-scaled sensitivity pieces for calibration use in the field willtransform the reliability of NDE processes and safety of the components inoperation, minimising the risks of failure and shutdown. The accuracy of amanufactured sensitivity piece is critical: the defects/discontinuities must bereliable and consistent with the piece of equipment targeted for calibration.
Through this KTP, NOV will gain the permanent capacity to design, manufacture,and use sensitivity pieces for in-field inspection of equipment using Phased ArrayUltrasonic Testing (PAUT). - 01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2026
- Robotic laser ultrasonic inspection system for integration with a WAAM cell (Royce Industrial Collaboration Programme)
- Stratoudaki, Theodosia (Principal Investigator) MacLeod, Charles Norman (Co-investigator) Pierce, Gareth (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2024
- DTP 2224 University of Strathclyde | Macleod, James
- MacLeod, Charles Norman (Principal Investigator) Dobie, Gordon (Co-investigator) Macleod, James (Research Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2023 - 01-Jan-2027
- Improving Ultrasonic Imaging using Machine Learning - FIND CDT EngD with Rolls Royce
- Tant, Katherine Margaret Mary (Principal Investigator) MacLeod, Charles Norman (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2023 - 30-Jan-2027
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Charles Norman
Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Tel: Unlisted