Dr Dilshod Makhmadshoev

Senior Lecturer

Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Innovation


Personal statement

I am a Lecturer at the Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship within Strathclyde Business School. I am also a graduate of Strathclyde, having previously completed my PhD in International Business in this institution. Before that, I studied for a Masters degree in Management at Queen's University Belfast. My research focuses on different aspects of international business and entrepreneurship, and in particular on such topics as the international expansion of SMEs (including via Global Value Chains), entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial development in challenging contexts, internationalisation of firms from emerging markets and transition economies, and exploration of the impact of institutional environments on different firm activities. More recently my focus has been on exploring how firms respond and mitigate the various challenges of operating in environments characterised by institutional deficiency and uncertainty, which reflects my growing interest on exploring ongoing interactions between actors and their contexts. 

My research is inter-diciplinary in nature, drawing on theories and concepts from economic thinking, institutional theory, international business, entrepreneurship, and development studies. My research has been published in internationally-recognised peer-revied academic journals, such as International Business Review, Journal of Business Research, and International Marketing Review. Alongside research, I teach and coordinate a number of classes (e.g. International Business Analysis, Managing Across Cultures, Global Business Environment) at both undegraduate and postgraduate levels within the Business School. 


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Sensemaking and SubjectiveTime: : The role of mental time travel’s functions in prospective sensemaking
Naveed Syed Hassan, Tapinos Efstathios, Makhmadshoev Dilshod, Fernández-Méndez Laura
Academy of Management Proceedings Vol 2023 (2023)
Exploring the relationship between institutions and entrepreneurship in transition economies
Makhmadshoev Dilshod
9th AIB-CEE Chapter Conference 2023 (2023)
Industry 4.0 and circular economy in an era of global value chains : what have we learned and what is still to be explored?
Awan Usama, Gölgeci Ismail, Makhmadshoev Dilshod, Mishra Nishikant
Journal of Cleaner Production Vol 371 (2022)
Prospective sensemaking and narratives : the role of collective mental time travel (MTT) in the prospective sensemaking narratives of a radically uncertain future
Naveed Syed Hassan, Tapinos E, Makhmadshoev Dilshod, Fernandez Laura
36th Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management (2022)
Global value chains and the environmental sustainability of emerging market firms : a systematic review of literature and research agenda
Golgeci Ismail, Makhmadshoev Dilshod, Demirbag Mehmet
International Business Review Vol 30 (2021)
Breaking away or holding on to the past? Exploring HRM systems of export-oriented SMEs in a highly uncertain context : insights from a transition economy in the periphery
Makhmadshoev Dilshod, Laaser Knut
International Journal of Human Resource Management Vol 32, pp. 3627-3658 (2021)

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- International Business Analysis

- Managing Across Cultures

- Global Business Environment

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Research Interests

- Institutional theory, comparative institutionalism, institutional voids

- SME and MNE internationalisation, international entrepreneurship

- SME and entrepreneurship development in transition and emerging economies

- Global value chains and development

Professional Activities

Examiner, PhD Thesis
International Business Review (Journal)
Peer reviewer
External Reviewer, University of Liverpool Management School
External Examiner
British Journal of Management (Journal)
Peer reviewer
External Examiner, University of Liverpool Management School
External Examiner
9th AIB-CEE Chapter Conference 2023

More professional activities


Global value chains and environmental sustainability in emerging markets: Evidence from Kyrgyzstan
Makhmadshoev, Dilshod (Co-investigator) Golgeci, Ismail (Principal Investigator)
AUFF NOVA, £46,000

This project explores the role of Global Value Chains in (exacerbating or improving) environmental challenges and environmental practices of firms in emerging markets, on the example of garment manufacturing firms in Kyrgyzstan, a post-socialist country in Central Asia. This question will be addressed by focusing on the impact of
GVCs on focal firms’ production processes concerning environmental issues like energy efficiency, resource use, water efficiency, waste management, pollution, and emissions. Recent research shows that a large share of emission growth in emerging markets is, in fact, due to the participation of firms in GVCs that serve consumption overseas. Due to being integrated into GVCs, suppliers in emerging markets face increasing pressures from customers in developed countries to adopt environmentally sustainable practices. However, there is growing recognition that whilst poorer economies contribute very little to global greenhouse gas emissions, they are unduly affected by climate change compared to richer and more developed economies. This has been highlighted as a form of environmental injustice, which requires local
transformative actions to tackle and mitigate environmental problems. By exploring the role of GVCs on the environment and environmental practices in emerging markets, this project aims to make an important scientific contribution within the GVC research and lead scholarly debates on transformative actions to create more environmentally sustainable and inclusive GVC systems.
01-Jan-2023 - 30-Jan-2024
Examining entrepreneurial resourcefulness, informal institutions and internationalisation in transitional economy contexts
Makhmadshoev, Dilshod (Principal Investigator) Ibeh, Kevin (Co-investigator)
Birkbeck, University of London, £4,870
01-Jan-2018 - 31-Jan-2018

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Dr Dilshod Makhmadshoev
Senior Lecturer
Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Innovation

Email: dilshod.makhmadshoev@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 553 6010