Dr Raquel Martinez Martin

Teaching Associate



Personal statement

I am a Teaching Associate in Modern Languages (Spanish) at HASS. I work on the design  and delivery of undergraduate language and culture modules (A1-B2 EFRL). I am the Course Coordinator for Year 2 Spanish (B1). I have also been involved in the teaching and development of the Spanish DELE courses (online and face-to-face) and the Certificate of Continuing Education in Spanish (CCEd).

My main research interests revolve around representation and culture within Hispanism, with a focus on contemporary cinema, literature and graphic novels from Spain, Latin America and other cultures. I am particularly interested in cinematic and literary approaches to labour, precarity, class and activism, especially in European fiction and documentary films, the Spanish contemporary novel and transnational series.

My scholarship interests include film literacy, screen cultures and pedagogies in language teaching; equality, diversity and inclusion; and decolonial approaches to teaching through culture and audiovisual arts.

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Dr Raquel Martinez Martin
Teaching Associate

Email: raquel.martinez-martin@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 444 8266