Dr Fabien Massabuau

Senior Lecturer



Personal statement

Fabien Massabuau joined the Department Physics as a Chancellor’s Fellow in September 2019. His research focussed on wide bandgap semiconductors for ultraviolet optoelectronic devices, with a main emphasis on α-Ga2O3 and h-BN.

Prior to that, Fabien was at the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy at the University of Cambridge for his PhD (2011-2015) and post-doc (2015-2019). In Cambridge, Fabien focussed on understanding the correlation between the nanostructure of III-Nitride materials and their optical properties. He actively participated in the development of a “multi-microscopy” methodology to observe the exact same nanoscale feature under several different microscopes (AFM, SEM-CL, TEM). This work led to new understandings on the properties of defects (dislocations, trench defects) in these materials.

Fabien has authored 40 peer-reviewed articles cumulating >600 citations, 2 book chapters, 1 mobile application and is involved withDoctoral Researcher Awards (committee member), SN Applied Sciences (editorial board).


Group page

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Constant photocurrent method to probe the sub-bandgap absorption in wide bandgap semiconductor films : the case of α-Ga2O3
Nicol David, Reynolds Stephen, Barr Kristopher, Roberts Joseph W, Jarman John J, Chalker Paul R, Massabuau Fabien C-P
Physica Status Solidi B Vol 261 (2024)
Sub-surface imaging of porous GaN distributed Bragg reflectors via backscattered electrons
Sarkar Maruf, Adams Francesca, Dar Sidra A, Penn Jordan, Ji Yihong, Gundimeda Abhiram, Zhu Tongtong, Liu Chaowang, Hirshy Hassan, Massabuau Fabien C-P, O'Hanlon Thomas, Kappers Menno J, Ghosh Saptarsi, Kusch Gunnar, Oliver Rachel A
Microscopy and Microanalysis Vol 30, pp. 208-225 (2024)
Progress and applications of (Cu–)Ag–Bi–I semiconductors, and their derivatives, as next-generation lead-free materials for photovoltaics, detectors and memristors
Zhu Huimin, Turkevych Ivan, Lohan Hugh, Liu Pengjun, Martin Robert W, Massabuau Fabien C P, Hoye Robert L Z
International Materials Reviews Vol 69, pp. 19-62 (2024)
Ni/Au contacts to corundum α-Ga2O3
Massabuau Fabien C-P, Adams Francesca, Nicol David, Jarman John C, Frentrup Martin, Roberts Joseph W, O'Hanlon Thomas J, Kovács Andras, Chalker Paul R, Oliver R A
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol 62 (2023)
Redshift and amplitude increase in the dielectric function of corundum-like α-(TixGa1-x)2O3
Kluth Elias, Fay Michael, Parmenter Christopher, Roberts Joseph, Smith Emily, Stoppiello Craig, Massabuau Fabien, Goldhahn Rüdiger, Feneberg Martin
Applied Physics Letters Vol 122, pp. 092101 (2023)
Hydrogen-related 3.8 eV UV luminescence in α-Ga2O3
Nicol D, Oshima Y, Roberts J W, Penman L, Cameron D, Chalker P R, Martin R W, Massabuau F C-P
Applied Physics Letters Vol 122 (2023)

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Professional Activities

Defects in alpha-phase Ga2O3,
Wide bandgap semiconductors - Nitrides and oxides in the UK
Luminescence and photoelectrical investigation of alpha-phase Ga2O3
M4QN - Materials for Quantum Network
Ultra-wide Bandgap Oxides 2023 (UWO)
Member of programme committee
Scottish-EU crucible meeting

More professional activities


Tuneable radiation-resilient (AlGa)2O3 UVC photodetectors
Massabuau, Fabien (Principal Investigator) Martin, Robert (Co-investigator) McKenna, Paul (Co-investigator) Oi, Daniel (Co-investigator) Spesyvtseva, Susan (Co-investigator)
15-Apr-2024 - 30-Apr-2025
DTP 2224 University of Strathclyde | Penman, Lewis
Massabuau, Fabien (Principal Investigator) Martin, Robert (Co-investigator) Penman, Lewis (Research Co-investigator)
01-Apr-2023 - 01-Oct-2026
The Springboard Programme for a Sustainable Future (Ga2O3–V2O3 alloys for tuneable ultraviolet photodetectors)
Massabuau, Fabien (Principal Investigator)
14-Mar-2022 - 31-Mar-2023
Bismuth-Based Rudorffites for Stable and Sustainable Indoor Light Harvesting to Power the Internet of Things (H Zhu)
Massabuau, Fabien (Principal Investigator) Booth, Campbell (Co-investigator) Martin, Robert (Co-investigator)
01-Feb-2022 - 13-Dec-2024
Doctoral Training Partnership 2020-2021 University of Strathclyde | Minopetras, Apostolos Evangelos
Martin, Robert (Principal Investigator) Massabuau, Fabien (Co-investigator) Minopetras, Apostolos Evangelos (Research Co-investigator)
01-Oct-2021 - 01-Apr-2025
Rank Prize Funds Optoelectronics Vacation Studentship
Massabuau, Fabien (Principal Investigator)
A £3,500 scholarship from the Rank Prize Funds for an undergraduate vacation research project (https://www.rankprize.org/grants/undergrad-vacation-grant/) .
14-Jun-2021 - 22-Aug-2021

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Dr Fabien Massabuau
Senior Lecturer

Email: f.massabuau@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3365