Professor Bob Mattes
Area of Expertise
Survey Research
Comparative Politics
African Politics
South African Politics
United States Politics
Prize And Awards
- Visiting Research Scholar, Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies
- Recipient
- 9/2016
- Academy of Science of South Africa
- Recipient
- 2014
- Visiting Scholar, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University
- Recipient
- 4/2011
- STIAS Fellow. Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study
- Recipient
- 7/2010
- Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellow, National Endowment for Democracy
- Recipient
- 2005
- Principal's International Scholar Award. Queen's University
- Recipient
- 2005
- African legislators : unrepresentative power elites?
- Mattes Robert, Krönke Matthias, Mozaffar Shaheen
- Journal of Southern African Studies, pp. 1-23 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1080/03057070.2024.2434393
- Conceptualizing and measuring support for democracy : a new approach
- Claassen Christopher, Ackermann Kathrin, Bertsou Eri, Borba Lucas, Carlin Ryan E, Cavari Amnon, Dahlum Sirianne, Gherghina Sergiu, Hawkins Darren, Lelkes Yphtach, Magalhães Pedro C, Mattes Robert, Meijers Maurits J, Neundorf Anja, Oross Dániel, Öztürk Aykut, Sarsfield Rodolfo, Self Darin, Stanley Ben, Tsai Tsung-han, Zaslove Andrej, Zechmeister Elizabeth J
- Comparative Political Studies, pp. 1-28 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1177/00104140241259458
- Political parties and democracy in South Africa
- Mattes Robert, Krönke Matthias, Lockwood Sarah
- Political Parties and the Crisis of Democracy Organization, Resilience, and Reform (2024) (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198888734.003.0023
- African Political Parties
- Krönke Matthias, Mattes Robert, Lockwood Sarah J
- Oxford Bibliographies African Studies (2024) (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1093/OBO/9780199846733-0238
- African Political Parties
- Krönke Matthias, Mattes Robert, Lockwood Sarah J
- Encyclopedia of African Politics (2024) (2024)
- Africans' views of the US and China
- Mattes Robert, Lewis Peter
- Is Africa Turning Against the West? (2023) (2023)
- https://doi.org/10.14672/56000456
Research Interests
I work on issues of democratization primarily through the tools of survey research but also employ other methods of institutional analysis. I am co-founder of, and Senior Adviser to Afrobarometer, a regular survey of public opinion in 35 African countries (www.afrobarometer.org). I am also co-founder and co-Principal Investigator of the African Legislatures Project, a study of legislatures and legislators in 17 countries. Finally, I am the founder and Principal Investigator of the South African National Election Study, a longitudinal series of post-election surveys dating back to South AFrica's first democratic election of 1994 (www.cssr.uct.ac.za/daru/sanes). These studies are also carried out in association with the Comparative National Elections Project, and Comparative Study of Electoral Systems project.
Professional Activities
- Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (Journal)
- Peer reviewer
- 30/12/2024
- British Journal of Political Science (Journal)
- Peer reviewer
- 30/11/2024
- European Political Science Review (Journal)
- Peer reviewer
- 30/11/2024
- Parliamentary Affairs (Journal)
- Peer reviewer
- 1/8/2024
- Social Media + Society (Journal)
- Peer reviewer
- 1/8/2024
- Journal of Southern African Studies (Journal)
- Peer reviewer
- 31/7/2024
- Sustainable Development and Citizenship in Africa (SGSSS award)
- Mattes, Robert (Principal Investigator)
- 01-Jan-2022 - 28-Jan-2026
- Political Parties in Africa
- Mattes, Robert (Principal Investigator) Seekings, Jeremy (Principal Investigator) Lockwood, Sarah Jane (Principal Investigator)
- 01-Jan-2018
- African Legislatures Project
- Mattes, Robert (Principal Investigator) Mozaffar, Shaheen (Principal Investigator) Barkan, Joel (Principal Investigator)
- 01-Jan-2008
- Global Barometer Surveys
- Chu, Yun-han (Principal Investigator) Mattes, Robert (Principal Investigator) Lagos, Marta (Principal Investigator) Haerpfer, Christian (Principal Investigator) Tessler, Mark (Principal Investigator) Shastri, Sandeep (Principal Investigator)
- 01-Jan-2000
- Afrobarometer
- Mattes, Robert (Principal Investigator) Gyimah-Boadi, E. (Principal Investigator) Bratton, Michael (Principal Investigator) Logan, Carolyn (Co-investigator) Dulani, Boniface (Co-investigator) Mitullah, Winnie (Co-investigator)
- A regular survey of representative samples of citizens in 35 countries across Africa that measures people's well-being, and their preferences, evaluations and experiences with elected leaders and political institutions.
- 14-Jan-1998
- Southern African Migration Programme
- Mattes, Robert (Research Co-investigator) Crush, Jonathan (Principal Investigator) McDonald, David (Principal Investigator)
- The Southern African Migration Programme (SAMP) is an international network of organizations founded in 1996 to promote awareness of migration-development linkages in SADC. SAMP conducts applied research on migration and development issues, provides policy advice and expertise, offers training in migration policy and management, and conducts public education campaigns on migration-related issues.
- 01-Jan-1996