Dr David McKee




Personal statement

The oceans play a hugely important role in the global carbon cycle and in energy transport mechanisms that influence world climate. Monitoring the oceans is difficult due to the vast areas involved, the harsh environmental conditions and the rapid temporal variability of marine biogeochemical systems. The aim of my work is to use and improve optical measurements and modelling to better understand marine systems.

My work covers size scales from single particles using flow cytometry and microscopy imaging, through bulk optical properties measured using in situ sensors, to basin scale observations using satellite sensors. I combine making measurements at sea and in the lab with radiative transfer modelling to develop new ways to extract useful information about biogeochemical processes happening in the ocean. I am particularly interested in optically complex waters where standard algorithms and approaches struggle, but which are often the places where the need for quality information is greatest.

The vast majority of my work involves collaborations with others and is inherently multi-disciplinary. I have developed a network of partners across the UK and internationally, and across a number of academic disciplines. My aim is to provide information that others can understand and successfully use to achieve better outcomes across a wide range of areas in academia, industry and society.

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Determination of zooplankton absorption spectra and their potential contribution to ocean color
McCarry Cait L, Basedow Sünnje L, Davies Emlyn J, Last Kim S, McKee David
Optics Express Vol 32, pp. 41314-41334 (2024)
Calibration verification of an underwater hyperspectral imaging push broom instrument to measure light in absolute units and field demonstration
Schartmüller Bernhard, McKee David, Berge Jørgen, Johnsen Geir
Applied Optics Vol 63, pp. 7200-7211 (2024)
Monopile-induced turbulence and sediment redistribution form visible wakes in offshore wind farms
Bailey Lewis P, Dorrell Robert M, Kostakis Ina, Mckee David, Parsons Dan, Rees Jon, Strong James, Simmons Stephen, Forster Rodney
Frontiers in Earth Science Vol 12 (2024)
High uptake of sympagic organic matter by benthos on an Arctic outflow shelf
Cautain Ivan J, Last Kim S, Bluhm Bodil A, Renaud Paul E, McKee David, Narayanaswamy Bhavani E
PLOS One Vol 19 (2024)
Optical constituent concentrations and uncertainties obtained for Case 1 and 2 waters from a spectral deconvolution model applied to in situ IOPs and radiometry
Lo Prejato M, McKee D
Earth and Space Science Vol 10 (2023)
Spectral and RGB analysis of the light climate and its ecological impacts using an all-sky camera system in the Arctic
Grant Stephen, Johnsen Geir, McKee David, Zolich Artur, Cohen Jonathan H
Applied Optics Vol 62, pp. 5139-5150 (2023)

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Research Interests


Current research areas include:

  • Developing ocean colour algorithms for optically complex waters.
  • Quantifying zooplankton abundance from space.
  • Measuring and modelling light fields in the Arctic.
  • Measuring the impact of artificial light at night (ALAN) in the marine environment.
  • Developing advanced underwater sensing capabilities.

Professional Activities

Light in dark places: the impact of ship lights on animal behaviour during polar night
GlobalHAB/EuroMarine Workshop on Modelling and Prediction of Harmful Algal Blooms
Invited Talk
NEODAAS (External organisation)
NERC Field Spectroscopy Facility (External organisation)
Invited Talk

More professional activities


Reaching New Heights: Strengthening the Scotland Ireland Partnership with Satellite Data (Strathclyde UCD research feasibility study)
Owens, Steven Robert (Principal Investigator) Bowden, James (Co-investigator) Cummins, Mark (Co-investigator) Macdonald, Malcolm (Co-investigator) McKee, David (Co-investigator) White, Chris (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2025
Remote sensing Southern Ocean krill
McKee, David (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2026
Optimisation of the Kongsfjorden Rijpfjorden Observatory Program
McKee, David (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2026
The impact of artificial light on arctic marine organisms and ecosystems during the polar night (Deep Impact) | Wallace, Ruairidh
McKee, David (Principal Investigator) Patton, Brian (Co-investigator) Wallace, Ruairidh (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 01-Jan-2027
Coccolithophore controls on ocean alkalinity (CHALKY)
McKee, David (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2026
Assessing potential to remotely observe micro-jellyfish swarms through measurement of absorption characteristics
McKee, David (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2023

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Dr David McKee

Email: david.mckee@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3068