Dr Ainsley Miller
Teaching Fellow
Mathematics and Statistics
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Prize And Awards
- Faculty of Science Teaching Excellence Award - Teaching Innovation
- Recipient
- 6/2022
- Nominee for Strathclyde Teaching Excellence Awards
- Recipient
- 7/2021
- Faculty of Science Teaching Excellence Award - Team Award
- Recipient
- 2021
- Best Student who Tutors
- Recipient
- 2019
- Finalist at STEM for Britain
- Recipient
- 3/2018
- Best presentation by an early stage researcher
- Recipient
- 2017
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- Anxiety around learning R in first year undergraduate students : mathematics vs biomedical sciences students
- Miller Ainsley, Pyper Kate
- Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education Vol 32, pp. 47-53 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1080/26939169.2023.2190010
- Reconstruction of refractive index maps using photogrammetry
- Miller A, Mullholland A J, Tant KMM, Pierce SG, Hughes B, Forbes AB
- Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering Vol 29, pp. 2696-2718 (2021)
- https://doi.org/10.1080/17415977.2021.1946533
- Positional uncertainty in optical-based metrology systems in large volume manufacturing
- Miller Ainsley, Mulholland Anthony J, Pierce Stephen Gareth, Hughes Ben, Forbes Alistair B
- Acta IMEKO Vol 7 (2018)
- https://doi.org/10.21014/acta_imeko.v7i2.526
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In the Academic Year 2024/25, I am involved in the following modules
On-campus modules
- MM204: Probability and Statistical Inference (Lecturer and Class Co-ordinator)
- MM304: Inference and Regression Modelling (Lecturer)
- MM415/MM909: Medical Statistics (Lecturer)
- MM960: Statistical Machine Learning (Lecturer and Class Co-ordinator)
On-line modules
- Pre-sessional Mathematics (Lecturer)
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Professional Activities
- Authentic Assessment Design in Science
- Invited speaker
- 6/11/2024
- Accessibility in the mathematical sciences
- Speaker
- 13/8/2024
- Data within your career - Jordanhill School
- Recipient
- 11/6/2024
- Mathematics & Statistics Teaching Away Day
- Invited speaker
- 22/5/2024
- Life After PhD
- Speaker
- 7/7/2023
- Scottish Mathematical Council Prizegiving Ceremony
- Contributor
- 8/6/2023
- Re-engaging Students in Learning Development through Subject Specific Resources
- English, Rosanne (Principal Investigator) Ciocarlan, Cristian (Co-investigator) Miller, Ainsley (Co-investigator) Stewart, Ryan (Co-investigator) Vaughan, Helen (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2025
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Teaching Fellow
Mathematics and Statistics
Email: ainsley.miller@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3720