Dr Ainsley Miller

Teaching Fellow

Mathematics and Statistics


Personal statement

I am a Teaching Fellow in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. I am also the Year 2 Co-ordinator within the department. I started my post in August 2019, and have been Year 2 Co-ordinator since August 2023.

I am a true Strathclyder having completed both my undergraduate (BSc Hons Mathematics, Statistics and Economics) and PhD (interdisciplinary project between the department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, the department of Mathematics and Statistics and the National Physical Laboratory) at Strathclyde. 

As a Teaching Fellow, I am involved in a wide variety of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching.  I am also the MSc Project Co-ordinator, and supervise a wide variety of undergraduate and MSc dissertations.

My pedagogical research is all about student mental health and easing the transistion between school and university. I am a qualified first aider, and mental health first aider and run a successful Mental Health Support Service within the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. 

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In the Academic Year 2024/25, I am involved in the following modules

On-campus modules

  • MM204:  Probability and Statistical Inference (Lecturer and Class Co-ordinator)
  • MM304: Inference and Regression Modelling (Lecturer)
  • MM415/MM909: Medical Statistics (Lecturer)
  • MM960: Statistical Machine Learning (Lecturer and Class Co-ordinator)

On-line modules

  • Pre-sessional Mathematics (Lecturer)
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Professional Activities

Data within your career - Jordanhill School
Mathematics & Statistics Teaching Away Day
Invited speaker
Life After PhD
Scottish Mathematical Council Prizegiving Ceremony
Anxiety Around Learning R in First Year Undergraduate Students: Mathematics vs Biomedical Sciences Students

More professional activities


Supporting students during their transition to university
Pyper, Kate (Principal Investigator) Miller, Ainsley (Co-investigator) Jack, Eilidh (Co-investigator)
£1000 QAA funded project to employ a student intern to develop surveys which will help to assess discrepancies between the expectations of academics, school teachers, and incoming students. This will help to develop and understanding of the support our transitioning students need to help them succeed at university
10-Jan-2022 - 09-Jan-2024

More projects

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Dr Ainsley Miller
Teaching Fellow
Mathematics and Statistics

Email: ainsley.miller@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3720