Dr Emma Miller

Senior Research Fellow

Social Work


Personal statement

Emma Miller has been a senior research associate at Strathclyde since 2012, and was previously attached on an honorary basis from 2009. Emma has a background in social work practice, and interagency working. Since completing her PhD in 2004 she has worked between research, policy and practice on the theme of personal outcomes. Based on knowledge exchange and action research, this has involved partnership between a wide range of national bodies and local organisations to re-orient culture, systems and practice accordingly. Emma has also worked for the past few years on a project titled Talking Hope which involves work with diverse agencies supporting young people identified as being at high risk.

Over severak years this work has drawn increasing interest from wider UK and international universities and agencies. Emma is a member of the Eurocarers Research Working Group. She has also worked and published with colleagues at New York University and is currently collaborating with colleagues in Australia where there is a shift in policy towards outcomes.





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Professional Activities

A Reflection on Carer Outcomes
Right Here Right Now Scotland's Annual Homelessness Conference
Care and Compassion in Social Work Practice
Managing Complexity and Outcomes-orientation: A perspective from Scotland
Collaboration for Carers: the interface between informal and formal carers
Rethinking eligibility for social care in Scotland

More professional activities


From competition to collaboration: the interface between informal and formal carers
Miller, Emma (Principal Investigator) MacIntyre, Gillian (Academic) Kaparouonaki, Kalia (Co-investigator) Congreve, Emma (Academic)
This project provides a valuable and timely opportunity to bring together diverse stakeholders to consider the question: how do we promote collaboration rather than competition between informal and formal carers despite enduring structural limitations?
02-Jan-2023 - 30-Jan-2024
Talking Hope 3
Miller, Emma (Principal Investigator)
18-Jan-2021 - 15-Jan-2022
Talking Hope
Miller, Emma (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2019 - 30-Jan-2019
Talking Hope: Hopeful conversations & young people whose behaviour presents risk of signif
Miller, Emma (Principal Investigator)
Talking Hope: Hopeful conversations and young people whose behaviour presents risk of significant harm
16-Jan-2018 - 12-Jan-2018
What Works Scotland Evidence to Action Project
Miller, Emma (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2017 - 30-Jan-2017
Citizenship, Recovery and Inclusive Society Partnership (CRISP) (H2020 MSCA RISE)
Quinn, Neil (Principal Investigator) Knifton, Lee (Co-investigator) Miller, Emma (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2016 - 31-Jan-2019

More projects

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Dr Emma Miller
Senior Research Fellow
Social Work

Email: e.miller@strath.ac.uk
Tel: Unlisted