Mr Jed Hanson Moore

Teaching Fellow

Work, Employment and Organisation


Personal statement

I am a Teaching Fellow coordinating undergraduate and postgraduate classes in management and reflective practice for managers up the level of MBA. My other teaching interests include contemporary management trends and techniques. This interest stems from my research, which is primarily aimed at establishing sceptical understandings of widely known improvement practices and methodologies. In this way, my work informs my contact with students, shaping my encouragements towards a practice grounded in values of pragmatism.

My interests were and still are guided by the contradictory experiences I faced in my attempts to bring my theory in line with the world and my world in line with my theory. My research addresses this divide, exploring the liminal spaces between rhetoric and practice and the implications of that which may go unaddressed in these spaces. Recently, my focus has been directed towards Agile project management in particular and the challenges around democratic practice in traditionally hierarchical organisations. I have a substantial secondary interest in the philosophy of Wittgenstein and methods relying on his works and I have recently directed more focus also towards the emerging front of technological change in the workplace.

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Prior modules include:

  • BF101 - Management Development Programme 1
  • BF121/122 - Introduction to International Business
  • BF202 - Management Development Programme 2 (Co-ordinator)
  • MG209 - Organisational Analysis and Strategy
  • MG210 - Understanding Change in Organisations
  • MG317 - The Reflective Manager (Co-ordinator)
  • MG318 - Contemporary Trends in Management Practice
  • MG417/500 - Contemporary Issues in Management
  • MG418 - Leadership and Strategy
  • MG419/508 - Contemporary Issues and Trends in International Business
  • MG837/HR977 - Leadership for Change and Innovation (Masters, Joint Co-ordinator)
  • MG934 - Professional Management Practice (Masters)
  • MB941 - Leading Sustainable Organisations (MBA, Joint Co-ordinator)
  • MB929/975 - Strategic Leadership Development (MBA, Joint Co-ordinator)
  • BF991 - Research Philosophy (MRes)

In all my classes I look to employ a teaching approach based around principles of andragogy:

  • We work with adult learners
  • We need to find out what it is they want to know
  • We need to draw on their experiences and contextualise them
  • Our imperative is to support this learning, encouraging students on a journey of productive discovery. Discovery not just of the field, but of the self

My overall aim is to promote a reflexive engagement in students, both during university and afterwards, with the ideas and experiences they are presented with. I am committed to creating an inclusive atmosphere, where students feel they have the space to learn more about what they feel need to know.

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Research Interests

Currently, my primary research focuses around sceptical perspectives on management and leadership, with supplementary interests in Agile project management, ethnography and research methods drawing on the work of Wittgenstein. I've increasingly focused on the human challenges around implementing advanced technologies like AI and other industry 5 enablers.

Professional Activities

AI and workplace cultures: Scottish AI summit 2023
AI and ethics in manufacturing
Industry 4.0: Can AI Ethics be Embedded in the Innovation Lifecycle?

More professional activities


AI and Ethics in Manufacturing
Briken, Kendra (Principal Investigator) Rose, Emily (Co-investigator) Moore, Jed Hanson (Co-investigator)
Preparation of online training module for the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland, Manufacturing Skills Academy
01-Jan-2022 - 23-Jan-2022

More projects

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Mr Jed Hanson Moore
Teaching Fellow
Work, Employment and Organisation

Tel: 553 6017