Dr Mridhula Murali

Research Associate

Speech and Language Therapy


Personal statement

A research associate on the Variation in Child Speech (VariCS) project with Dr. Anja Kuschmann. After completing a BA honours in Psychology, I developed an interest in linguistics and chose to complete my Masters in Linguistics from Utrecht University, Netherlands. My Masters project focused on investigating speech rhythm in the motor speech disorder, dysarthria. My doctorate with Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, investigated acoustic speech markers to track speech changes in hypokinetic dysarthria associated with Parkinson's disease. I have previously worked as a research assistant on an Innovation Fellowship at Queen Margaret University, focused on the development of ultrasound as a new clinical assessment tool of swallowing function. I have a keen interest in clinical phonetics, particularly speech production in speech and communication disorders, and in speech variability. I also have an interest in engaging in research that combines speech research and speech technology to strengthen diagnosis and intervention of speech and communication disorders.

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Variability in DDK rate productions in typically-developing children in Scotland
Murali Mridhula, Taylor Lauren, Cleland Joanne, Young David, Stuart-Smith Jane, Kuschmann Anja
2024 Colloquium of the British Association of Academic Phoneticians (2024)
Investigating variability in child’s speech (VariCS) : introducing the VariCS corpus
Kuschmann Anja, Murali Mridhula, Taylor Lauren, Smith Amy, Cleland Joanne, Stuart-Smith Jane, Young David
2024 Colloquium of the British Association of Academic Phoneticians (2024)
Comparing DDK rate variability in typically developing children in central Scotland
Murali Mridhula, Cleland Joanne, Young David, Stuart-Smith Jane, Taylor Lauren, Smith Amy, Kuschmann Anja
Conference on Motor Speech (2024)
Variability in sound prolongation in typically developing children
Kuschmann Anja, Murali Mridhula, Cleland Joanne, Young David, Stuart-Smith Jane, Taylor Lauren, Smith Amy
Conference on Motor Speech (2023)
Investigating variability in child's speech (VariCS)
Murali Mridhula, Cleland Joanne, Stuart-Smith Jane, Young David, Kuschmann Anja
19th Biennial Conference of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association (2023)
Acoustic speech markers for tracking changes in hypokinetic dysarthria associated with Parkinson's Disease
Murali Mridhula, Ma Joan, Lickley Robin
19th Biennial Conference of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association (2023)

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Professional Activities

Glasgow Science Festival
Variability in DDK rate productions in typically-developing children in Scotland
19th Biennial Conference of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association
19th Biennial Conference of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association
StrathWide 2023: The University of Strathclyde Researcher conference
British Science Week public engagement

More professional activities


BletherNet: Neural Networks for Understanding Tongue Shapes in Disordered
Lawson, Eleanor (Principal Investigator) Murali, Mridhula (Researcher) Kirkland, Paul (Academic) Cleland, Joanne (Academic)
A project investigating the use of neural networks in the automatic classification of /r/ tongue shapes, imaged with Ultrasound Tongue Imaging
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2024

More projects

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Dr Mridhula Murali
Research Associate
Speech and Language Therapy

Email: mridhula.murali@strath.ac.uk
Tel: Unlisted