Professor Mike Nellis

Emeritus Professor



Personal statement

Mike Nellis is Emeritus Professor of Criminal and Community Justice in the Law School, University of Strathclyde. Formerly a social worker with young offenders in London, he has a PhD from the Institute of Criminology in Cambridge, and was long involved in the training of probation officers at the University of Birmingham. He has written widely on the fortunes of the probation service, alternatives to imprisonment and particularly the electronic monitoring (EM) of offenders. He was actively involved between 2005-14 in the organisation of the CEP EM conferences, and between 2011 and 2013 acted as an expert adviser to a Council of Europe committee which drew up an ethical recommendation on EM. He co-edited ‘Electronically Monitored Punishment: International and Critical Perspectives’, with Belgian colleagues Kristel Beyens and Dan Kaminski in 2103, and served on the Scottish Government's EM Working Party 2014-16 . He is the international editor of the Journal of Offender Monitoring. He teaches a Master’s degree course on "surveillance, technology and crime control" at Strathclyde.

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Tommie Shelby, The Idea of Prison Abolition : Tommie Shelby, The Idea of Prison Abolition, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ,2022; 231 pp., ISBN: 978-0-691-22977-5
Nellis Mike
Punishment and Society Vol 26, pp. 1000-1003 (2024)
"You cannot really hide" : experiences of probation officers and young offenders with GPS tracking in Winnipeg, Canada
Willoughby Ashley, Nellis Mike
Journal of Technology in Human Services Vol 34, pp. 63-81 (2016)
Electronically Monitored Punishment : International and Critical Perspectives
Nellis Mike, Beyens Kristel, Kaminski Dan
The ethics of electronic monitoring
Nellis M
Electronically monitored punishment international and critical perspectives (2012) (2012)
Electronic monitoring in the USA
Nellis M, Lilly B
Electronically monitored punishment international and critical perspectives (2012) (2012)
Prose and cons : autobiographical writing by British prisoners
Nellis M
The arts of imprisonment essays on control, resistance and empowerment (2012) (2012)

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Professor Mike Nellis
Emeritus Professor

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