Dr Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg
Senior Lecturer
Computer and Information Sciences
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Prize And Awards
- APLAS 2023 Best paper award
- Recipient
- 20/10/2023
- Distinguished Presentation Award
- Recipient
- 8/6/2021
- ETAPS 2016 EATCS best paper award
- Recipient
- 6/4/2016
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- LabMate : a prospectus for types for MATLAB
- McBride Conor, Nakov Georgi, Nordvall Forsberg Fredrik, Videla Andre, Forbes Alistair, Lines Keith
- Measurement: Sensors (2025)
- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measen.2024.101460
- Preserving model structure and constraints in scientific computing
- Forbes Alistair, Lines Keith, Nordvall Forsberg Fredrik, McBride Conor, Videla Andre
- Measurement: Sensors (2025)
- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measen.2024.101796
- Responsible composition and optimization of integration processes under correctness preserving guarantees
- Ritter Daniel, Nordvall Forsberg Fredrik, Rinderle-Ma Stefanie
- Information Systems Vol 124 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.is.2024.102400
- A fresh look at commutativity : free algebraic structures via fresh lists
- Kupke Clemens, Nordvall Forsberg Fredrik, Watters Sean
- The 21st Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems, pp. 1-20 (2023)
- Set-theoretic and type-theoretic ordinals coincide
- de Jong Tom, Kraus Nicolai, Nordvall Forsberg Fredrik, Xu Chuangjie
- Thirty-Eighth Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (2023)
- Type-theoretic approaches to ordinals
- Kraus Nicolai, Nordvall Forsberg Fredrik, Xu Chuangjie
- Theoretical Computer Science Vol 957 (2023)
- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2023.113843
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Professional Activities
- 31st Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs
- Organiser
- 9/6/2025
- 31st Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs
- Chair
- 9/6/2025
- Scottish Programming Languages and Verification Summer School 2024
- Organiser
- 29/7/2024
- Contributed talk TYPES 2024: "Constructive Ordinal Exponentiation in Homotopy Type Theory"
- Speaker
- 13/6/2024
- Contributed talk TYPES 2024: "Extensional Finite Sets and Multisets in Type Theory"
- Contributor
- 13/6/2024
- Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics
- Visiting researcher
- 26/5/2024
- A correct-by-construction approach to approximate computation
- Mardare, Radu (Principal Investigator) Nordvall Forsberg, Fredrik (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2027
- Industrial CASE Account - University of Strathclyde 2021 | Braithwaite, Dylan
- Hedges, Julian (Principal Investigator) Nordvall Forsberg, Fredrik (Co-investigator) Braithwaite, Dylan (Research Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2021 - 01-Jan-2026
- Maths DTP 2021/22 University of Strathclyde | Watters, Sean
- Kupke, Clemens (Principal Investigator) Nordvall Forsberg, Fredrik (Co-investigator) Watters, Sean (Research Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2021 - 01-Jan-2025
- Maths DTP 2020 University of Strathclyde | Capucci, Matteo
- Nordvall Forsberg, Fredrik (Principal Investigator) Hedges, Julian (Co-investigator) Capucci, Matteo (Research Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2020 - 01-Jan-2024
- KTP - Cambridge Quantum Computing (CQC) / R190328-202
- McBride, Conor (Principal Investigator) Atkey, Bob (Co-investigator) Nordvall Forsberg, Fredrik (Co-investigator)
- 24-Jan-2020 - 23-Jan-2022
- KTP - Cambridge Quantum Computing (CQC)
- McBride, Conor (Principal Investigator) Atkey, Bob (Co-investigator) Nordvall Forsberg, Fredrik (Co-investigator)
- 24-Jan-2020 - 23-Jan-2022
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Nordvall Forsberg
Senior Lecturer
Computer and Information Sciences
Email: fredrik.nordvall-forsberg@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3230