Dr Martin O'Mullane

Research Fellow



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Empirical line ratios for optical emission spectroscopy in low-temperature, low-density, magnetised Ar plasmas
Cremona Anna, Causa Federica, Uccello Andrea, Ricci Daria, Giunta Alessandra, O'Mullane Martin,
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Vol 57 (2024)
Results from a synthetic model of the ITER XRCS-Core diagnostic based on high-fidelity x-ray ray tracing
Pablant N A, Cheng Z, O’Mullane M, Gao L, Barnsley R, Bartlett M N, Bitter M, Bourcart E, Brown G V, De Bock M, Delgado-Aparicio L F, Dunn C, Fairchild A J, Hell N, Hill K W, Klabacha J, Kraus F, Lu D, Magesh P B, Mishra S, Sánchez del Río M, Tieulent R, Yakusevich Y
Review of Scientific Instruments Vol 95 (2024)
The CXSFIT spectral fitting code : past, present and future
Delabie E, O’Mullane M G, von Hellermann M, Whiteford A, Horton L D, Zastrow K D, Menmuir S, Litherland-Smith E, Meigs A, Biewer T M
Review of Scientific Instruments Vol 95 (2024)
Impurity transport study based on measurement of visible wavelength high-n charge exchange transitions at W7-X
, Swee Colin, Geiger Benedikt, Ford Oliver, Nornberg Mark, O’Mullane Martin, Poloskei Peter, Reimold Felix, Romba Thilo, Wegner Thomas
Nuclear Fusion Vol 64 (2024)
First SOLPS‐ITER simulations of ASDEX Upgrade partially detached H‐mode with boron impurity : the missing radiation at the outer strike‐point region
, Makarov S O, Coster D P, Gleiter T, Brida D, Muraca M, Dux R, David P, Kurzan B, Bonnin X, O'Mullane M
Contributions to Plasma Physics (2024)
The role of plasma–atom and molecule interactions on power & particle balance during detachment on the MAST Upgrade Super-X divertor
Verhaegh K, Lipschultz B, Harrison JR, Federici F, Moulton D, Lonigro N, Kobussen SP, O’Mullane M, Osborne N, Ryan P, Wijkamp T, Kool B, Rose E, Theiler C, Thornton AJ,
Nuclear Fusion Vol 63 (2023)

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Industrial Case Account 2015 | Gahle, Daljeet Singh
O'Mullane, Martin (Principal Investigator) Badnell, Nigel (Co-investigator) Gahle, Daljeet Singh (Research Co-investigator)
01-Oct-2016 - 01-Apr-2021
Top-up CASE for PhD student - Daljeet Gahle
O'Mullane, Martin (Principal Investigator)
01-Oct-2016 - 31-Mar-2021
Industrial Case Account 2015 / S151217-102
O'Mullane, Martin (Principal Investigator)
01-Oct-2015 - 31-Jan-2022
Atomic Processes for Magnetic Fusion Plasmas
Badnell, Nigel (Principal Investigator) O'Mullane, Martin (Co-investigator)
"Magnetic fusion is under intense study through-out the world as a safe and clean energy source for the future.
Present day machines include JET in the UK and ASDEX in Germany, while the next step machine ITER is
currently under construction in France.

The state of matter in these machines --- the distribution of temperature and density, chemical composition,
flow velocities --- can be determined through diagnostic analysis of observational data in which models,
incorporating the full physics of the object, confront the observations.
This information is fundamental for our understanding of the behaviour of magnetic fusion plasmas
and key to harnessing them, e.g. via the proposed DEMO demonstration power plant.

Collisions of electrons with atoms, ions and molecules play a fundamental role in characterizing
magnetic fusion plasmas. The important fole of tungsten in present (JET/ASDEX) and future (ITER)
machines is a challenge for atomic physics and modelling based upon it.

We propose a series of calculations which are essential to reliably model and interpret observations
from these plasmas. We will also carry-out such modelling applicable to the present day machines."
17-Nov-2014 - 16-Nov-2017

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Dr Martin O'Mullane
Research Fellow

Email: martin.omullane@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 01235 465313