Dr Yinuo Pan


Accounting and Finance


Personal statement

Yinuo joined Strathclyde Business School as a Lecturer in Accounting in August 2024, having recently completed her PhD in Accounting at the University of Edinburgh. Her research is interdisciplinary, situated at the intersection of accounting, sociology, and the history of professions. Her doctoral research investigated the emerging professionalization processes within the fields of CSR and sustainability. Recently, she has been studying the state-profession dynamics and accounting professions in China, as well as public value(s) and non-financial reporting. Before pursuing her PhD, she earned an MAcc in International Accounting and Financial Analysis at the University of Glasgow and an MSc in Strategic Management at Lanzhou University, China.

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Research Interests

  • The social, political, and cultural impacts of the accountancy profession on the fields of CSR and sustainability
  • The emerging professionalization processes within the fields of CSR and sustainability
  • State-profession dynamics and the accouting professions in China
  • Public value(s) and non-financial reporting
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Dr Yinuo Pan
Accounting and Finance

Email: yinuo.pan@strath.ac.uk
Tel: Unlisted