Professor Edoardo Patelli
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Area of Expertise
- Uncertainty quantification
- Bayesian and Credal Networks
- Resilience assessment of complex infrastructures
- Nuclear safety
- Probabilistic risk assessment
- Human reliability
Prize And Awards
- Best Paper Award in "Innovation in Smart Cities and Systems"
- Recipient
- 1/9/2022
- Enhancing the economic efficiency of cross-regional renewable energy trading via optimizing pumped hydro storage capacity
- Zhang Xingjin, Patelli Edoardo, Zhou Ye, Chen Diyi, Lian Jijian, Xu Beibei
- Renewable Energy Vol 240 (2024)
- A risk assessment of a gas pressure reduction station system with confidence for dealing with imprecisions and unknowns
- Rafiee Batool, Shishebori Davood, Patelli Edoardo
- Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries Vol 92 (2024)
- On-line Bayesian Model Updating and Model Selection of a Piece-wise model for the Creep-growth rate prediction of a Nuclear component
- Lye Adolphus, Cicirello Alice, Patelli Edoardo
- Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management, ISRERM 2022 8th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management, ISRERM 2022, pp. 67-74 (2024)
- Uncertainty Quantification Over Spectral Estimation of Stochastic Processes Subject to Gapped Missing Data Using Variational Bayesian Inference
- Chen Yu, Patelli Edoardo, Beer Michael, Edwards Ben
- Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management, ISRERM 2022 8th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management, ISRERM 2022, pp. 173-178 (2024)
- Identifying ambiguity and potential violations in standard operating procedures using natural language processing tools
- Johnson Karl, Patelli Edoardo, Morais Caroline
- European Safety and Reliability Conference, pp. 127-128 (2024)
- Random field failure and post-failure analyses of vertical slopes in soft clays
- Agbaje Samzu, Zhang Xue, Patelli Edoardo, Ward Darren, Dhimitri Luisa
- Computers and Geotechnics Vol 166 (2024)
I am currently teaching:
- Probability and statistics
- Structural reliability
- Monte Carlo methods
- Bayesian approaches
- FMEA, Fault Tree, Event Tree
Research Interests
My primary research interests focus on the general area of risk analysis, uncertainty modelling and quantification, sensitivity analysis, nuclear safety, reliability and availability of complex systems. In particular, the focus is on the development of verified and efficient stochastic computational methods able to model different representation of the uncertainty and providing trustful reliability analysis and risk assessment.
The numerical implementations have resulted in the development of an open-source general-purpose software package for uncertainty quantification and stochastic analysis.
Professional Activities
- Frontiers Nuclear Engineering (Journal)
- Peer reviewer
- 1/8/2024
- Changsheng Xiang
- Host
- 1/1/2024
- Frontiers Nuclear Engineering (Journal)
- Associate Editor
- 30/6/2023
- 5th International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Science and Engineering
- Keynote/plenary speaker
- 14/6/2023
- International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management
- Participant
- 4/9/2022
- European Safety and Reliability Conference
- Participant
- 28/8/2022
- Intelligent Digital Twin management platform for natural-technological (NaTech) disasters (Horizon Europe Pump Priming scheme)
- Patelli, Edoardo (Principal Investigator) Chen, Yu (Research Co-investigator)
- 31-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2024
- Improved models for the impact of floods on transport infrastructure assets
- Tubaldi, Enrico (Principal Investigator) Ferguson, Neil (Co-investigator) Patelli, Edoardo (Co-investigator)
- 15-Jan-2024 - 14-Jan-2025
- Care & Equity - Logistics UAS Scotland Phase 3 (CAELUS 2) (Future Flight Challenge)
- Fossati, Marco (Principal Investigator) Akartunali, Kerem (Co-investigator) Cashmore, Michael (Co-investigator) Irvine, James (Co-investigator) MacBryde, Jillian (Co-investigator) Maddock, Christie (Co-investigator) Patelli, Edoardo (Co-investigator) Tapinos, Efstathios (Co-investigator) Vasile, Massimiliano (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2024
- Low-cost sensor system for enhanced bridge flood resilience (TRIG)
- Tubaldi, Enrico (Principal Investigator) Patelli, Edoardo (Co-investigator) White, Chris (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2022 - 30-Jan-2022
- Enhanced Methodologies for Advanced Nuclear System Safety
- Patelli, Edoardo (Principal Investigator)
- 14-Jan-2022 - 13-Jan-2025
- Intelligent computational methods for sustainable and resilient infrastructure (Saltire Facilitator Network)
- Patelli, Edoardo (Principal Investigator)
- 01-Jan-2021 - 30-Jan-2023
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Tel: 548 4682