Dr Alessandro Rossi




Personal statement

Alessandro leads the Semiconductor Quantum Electronics Lab (SEQUEL) in the Department of Physics. He is a UKRI Future Leaders Fellow and a University Reader. He is jointly appointed with the National Physical Laboratory, where he holds a Measurement Fellowship. His team's research interests span from quantum computing to quantum electrical metrology in semiconductor systems, as well as development of hybrid super/semi-conductive nanotechnology.

Alessandro studied Electronic Engineering at the University of Naples (Italy) where he received his BSc and MSc summa cum laude.
After working for two years as an engineering consultant at Altran Ltd (Italy), he moved to the UK to engage in his doctoral studies in Physics at the University of Cambridge. Alessandro graduated in 2011 with a dissertation on microwave-assisted charge transport in single-electron transistors.
Following the award of his PhD, Alessandro worked at the Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory (UK) as a research scientist in the area of silicon-based quantum information.
From 2012 until 2015, he worked at the University of New South Wales (Australia) as a post-doctoral research fellow in the group of Prof. Andrew Dzurak. In Australia, Alessandro focussed on the development of silicon-based single-electron devices to generate electric currents with record accuracy. For this work, he was awarded Australia’s National Measurement Institute Prize for excellence in measurement research. He returned to Cambridge University upon the award of a EU Marie Curie Fellowship, which he held between 2016 and 2018.

To date, Alessandro has raised competitive early career research income from British, European and Australian funding agencies for a combined amount of approximately £3m.

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Fast characterization of multiplexed single-electron pumps with machine learning
Schoinas N, Rath Y, Norimoto S, Xie W, See P, Griffiths J P, Chen C, Ritchie D A, Kataoka M, Rossi A, Rungger I
Applied Physics Letters Vol 125 (2024)
Characterization of a compact wideband microwave metasurface lens for cryogenic applications
Al-Moathin Ali, Zhong Mingyan, Al-Taai Qusay, Jiang Yunan, Farage Michael, Kazim Jalil ur Rehman, Ali Muhammad Zulfiqar, Nikbakhtnasrabadi Fatemeh, Powell Megan, Khatri Prince, Stanley Manoj, Rossi Alessandro, Heidari Hadi, Imran Muhammad Ali, Abbasi Qammer H, Ridler Nick M, Weides Martin, Li Chong
101st ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference ARFTG Conference (2023)
Wireless microwave signal transmission for cryogenic applications
Kazim Jalil ur Rehman, Ali Muhammad Zulfiqar, Al-Moathin Ali, Nikbakhtnasrabadi Fatemeh, Khatri Prince, Powell Megan, Stanley Manoj, Ridler Nick M, Rossi Alessandro, Weides Martin, Heidari Hadi, Imran Muhammad Ali, Abbasi Qammer H, Li Chong
2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (USNC-URSI) 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, pp. 43-44 (2023)
Gate-based spin readout of hole quantum dots with site-dependent g-factors
Russell Angus, Zotov Alexander, Zhao Ruichen, Dzurak Andrew S, Gonzalez-Zalba M Fernando, Rossi Alessandro
Physical Review Applied Vol 19 (2023)
Single-hole pump in germanium
Rossi Alessandro, Hendrickx Nico W, Sammak Amir, Veldhorst Menno, Scappucci Giordano, Kataoka Masaya
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Vol 54 (2021)
Where I work Alessandro Rossi
Glausiusz Josie, Rossi Alessandro
Nature Vol 596, pp. 454 (2021)

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Professional Activities

The 7 secrets of highly successful research students
A career chasing single electrons
Invited speaker
Next generation hardware platforms for quantum computers
Invited speaker
Silicon Quantum Information Processing
Member of programme committee
Effective delegation
Towards quantum electronics in silicon carbide
Invited speaker

More professional activities


DTP 2224 University of Strathclyde | Samaras, Ioannis
Lagoudakis, Konstantinos (Principal Investigator) Rossi, Alessandro (Co-investigator) Samaras, Ioannis (Research Co-investigator)
01-Oct-2024 - 01-Apr-2028
DTP 2224 University of Strathclyde | Parry, Euan
Rossi, Alessandro (Principal Investigator) Martin, Robert (Co-investigator) Parry, Euan (Research Co-investigator)
01-Oct-2023 - 01-Apr-2027
QCA Cluster Phase 3
Daley, Andrew (Principal Investigator) Pritchard, Jonathan (Co-investigator) Rossi, Alessandro (Co-investigator) Ward, Jeremy Stuart (Co-investigator)
01-Aug-2023 - 31-Jul-2024
Empowering Practical Interfacing of Quantum Computing
Rossi, Alessandro (Principal Investigator)
30-Apr-2022 - 29-Apr-2026
Altnaharra: Cryoelectronics for quantum circuits
Rossi, Alessandro (Co-investigator)
Innovate UK: Commercialising Quantum Technologies: CRD & Tech round 2
01-Apr-2022 - 31-Mar-2025
Autonomous Quantum Technology
Rossi, Alessandro (Co-investigator)
Innovate UK: Commercialising Quantum Technologies: CRD & Tech round 2
01-Apr-2022 - 31-Mar-2025

More projects

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Dr Alessandro Rossi

Email: alessandro.rossi@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3360