Dr Pratima Sambajee
Work, Employment and Organisation
Area of Expertise
- Cross-cultural management
- Work and migration
- Capabilities approach
- Labour law
- Health and wellbeing
- Work and climate change
Prize And Awards
- Rethinking non-traditional resistance at work : the case of the Indian Diaspora in Mauritius
- Sambajee Pratima
- Culture and Organization Vol 21, pp. 386-408 (2015)
- https://doi.org/10.1080/14759551.2015.1060233
- The moral economy of solidarity : a study of the 2017 hunger-strike in Mauritius
- Sambajee Pratima
- Economic and Industrial Democracy (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1177/0143831X241306210
- Resilience through adversity : a case of informal artisan entrepreneurs in Kenya
- Kiptoo Maryline, Sambajee Pratima, Baum Tom
- International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research Vol 30, pp. 446-465 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1108/IJEBR-07-2023-0762
- Reframing the notion that informal entrepreneurs in Africa are necessity-driven
- Kiptoo Maryline, Sambajee Pratima
- The Emerald Handbook of African Studies (2024) (2024)
- Can academic research support the goals of labour law? : Evidence from Mauritius
- Sambajee Pratima
- Africa Labour Law Conference (2024)
- Theorising entrepreneurship in Africa through a postcolonial lens
- Sambajee Pratima, Kiptoo Maryline
- Global Perspectives to African Entrepreneurship Emerging realities and innovative approaches (2024) (2024)
I am the deputy programme director for the Intergrated Masters in International Business and Modern Languages (MIBML), and the programme director (Management) for the MSc Finance and Management degree.
I teach Introduction to International Business; International Business Analysis; Organising and Managing accross Cultures; Contemporary Issues and Trends in International Business; People, Work and the Global Economy; Comparative Employment Relations; Labour and Diversity and Research Methods for Projects.
Research Interests
My research is mainly international and twofold: first, I want to understand the dynamics of work in global south countries, from micro, meso and macro level perspectives; and second, I want to understand the experiences of workers from the global south who travel to more developed countries for work.
Work in the global economy is complex. The global south and migration patterns around it play an important part in deepening this complexity. Against this backgroumd, I am particularly interested in understanding the experiences of workers (domestic and migrant), employers and policy. This cuts accross themes such as social justice, rights, voice, dignity, , capabilities, health and wellbeing.
Professional Activities
- EURAM Annual Conference
- Participant
- 4/6/2014
- University of Nottingham (External organisation)
- Member
- 4/2014
- Africa Research Group
- Participant
- 28/4/2014
- Confronting the degradation of labour and the nature in agro-industrial commodity chains in Brazil: the ‘quilombolas’ resistance
- Contributor
- 4/4/2024
- Contemporary issues for land, labour precarity and resistance Centre for Political Economy of Labour Colloquium programme
- Participant
- 7/3/2024
- MRES: Exploring the Perceptions and Experiences of E-Learning in Consultancy Organizations: A qualitative study with a focus on the Indian context
- Examiner
- 7/2/2024
- Decent work in the face of climate change: understanding the experiences of fishing communities
- Sambajee, Pratima (Principal Investigator)
- 01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2026
- Climate change and the rise of precarious work among agriculture and construction workers in a small island developing state.
- Sambajee, Pratima (Academic) Garvey, Brian (Academic)
- Small island developing states (SIDS) are among the first and worst affected by climate change despite making a very small contribution to the overall global emissions that cause climate change.. For over 20 years, the World Health Organization (WHO) has played a key role in raising awareness of and implementing actions to manage the health risks of climate change, particularly global warming within SIDS (WHO, 2018) but the challenges remain. Risks can arise from direct exposures, indirect exposures and via economic and social disruptions (Smith et al., 2014). In this proposed research we focus on direct exposures to high atmospheric temperature extremes that are increasing in frequency and intensity in SIDS and are projected to continue along this trend (Hoegh-Guldberg, 2018). Specifically, we focus on Mauritius, an Indian Ocean-African SIDS, where there is an increasing trend of reported heat stress and heat-related injuries in the construction and agricultural sectors (ILO, 2019). We situate precarious work in the context of climate change, in this case extreme temperatures associated with global warming. We will examine climate change as a potential factor exacerbating experiences of precariousness among agriculture and construction workers, often migrants from global south countries like India, Nepal and Bangladesh. The study will collect evidence to (a) explore the relevance of climate change as a contributor and multiplier of precarity at work, and (b) produce occupational health policy-relevant evidence for workers in the two sectors. Both outcomes are timely for improving the climate change preparedness of relevant sectors in SIDS.
- 01-Jan-2023 - 30-Jan-2027
- Improving access to information on workers’ rights in a developing country
- Sambajee, Pratima (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2028
- GCRF_NF127 A capabilities assessment of Covid-19 changes to the Workers? Rights Act in Mauritius: implications for domestic and migrant workers
- Sambajee, Pratima (Principal Investigator) McGuire, Darren (Co-investigator) Scholarios, Dora (Co-investigator) Mohd Yusof, Zatun Najahah (Researcher)
- 21-Jan-2020 - 20-Jan-2022
- Cities as mobility hubs: tackling social exclusion through ‘smart’ citizen engagement SMARTDEST
- Baum, Thomas (Principal Investigator) Briken, Kendra (Co-investigator) Sambajee, Pratima (Co-investigator)
- Cities as mobility hubs: tackling social exclusion through ‘smart’ citizen engagement(SMARTDEST) H2020-SC6-TRANSFORMATIONS-2018
- 01-Jan-2020 - 31-Jan-2022
- Informal tourism entrepreneurs in Kenya
- Sambajee, Pratima (Academic) Baum, Thomas (Academic) Kiptoo, Maryline (Principal Investigator)
- 02-Jan-2019 - 30-Jan-2023
Work, Employment and Organisation
Email: pratima.sambajee@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 553 6011