Miss Sophie Shields
Knowledge Exchange Associate
Institute for Inspiring Children's Futures
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Prize And Awards
- 'Making a Social Difference' Scottish Knowledge Exchange Award
- Recipient
- 25/3/2023
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- Protecting children's rights to development and culture by re-imagining "ocean literacies"
- Strand Mia, Shields Sophie, Morgera Elisa, McGarry Dylan, Lancaster Alana Malinde SN, Brown Lindy, Snow Bernadette
- International Journal of Children's Rights Vol 31, pp. 941-975 (2023)
- https://doi.org/10.1163/15718182-3104000
- Effective child well-being practices, barriers and priority actions : survey findings from service providers and policymakers in 22 countries during COVID-19
- Karadzhov Dimitar, Wilson Graham, Shields Sophie, Lux Erin, Davidson Jennifer C
- Journal of Children's Services Vol 18, pp. 207-232 (2023)
- https://doi.org/10.1108/JCS-10-2022-0028
- Policy Brief : 10 Key Messages for Reimagining Ocean Literacies that Consider Children's Human Rights to Development and Culture
- Strand Mia, Shields Sophie, Morgera Elisa
- (2023)
- Workers' Experiences of Low-Paid Work : A Snapshot of the Hospitality Industry
- Robertson Laura, McFadyen Chirsty, McHardy Fiona, Fox Calum, Watts Robert, Congreve Emma, Davidson Jennifer, Hirvonen Anna, Vaupel-Schwittay Helen, Shields Sophie, Catalano Allison, Timbrell Helen
- (2023)
- https://doi.org/10.17868/strath.00086713
- Children's human right to be heard at the ocean-climate nexus
- Shields Sophie, Longo Andrea, Strand Mia, Morgera Elisa
- The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law Vol 38, pp. 545-580 (2023)
- https://doi.org/10.1163/15718085-bja10140
- Locating Scotland in the 20th Kilbrandon Lecture : children of the beloved country – lives and legacies from Kilbrandon to Mandela
- Shields Sophie
- Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 22 (2023)
- https://doi.org/10.17868/strath.00085358
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Professional Activities
- United Nations High Level Political Forum 2023
- Organiser
- 13/7/2023
- 32nd Session of the UNODC Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
- Organiser
- 25/5/2023
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Knowledge Exchange Associate
Institute for Inspiring Children's Futures
Email: sophie.shields@strath.ac.uk
Tel: Unlisted