Professor Yvette Taylor



Personal statement

Yvette Taylor acted as School of Education Research Director (2017-2019) and Deputy Head of School (2019), previously Professor in Social & Policy Studies and Head of the Weeks Centre for Social and Policy Research (2011-2015) and Senior Lecturer (Sociology), Newcastle University (2005-2011). Yvette was nominated for the THES Outstanding Leadership and Management Team (2013),  as Diversity Role Model (2013), for a Strathclyde Medal (2017) and a HaSS Teaching Excellence Award (2020).  A Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and a Scottish Parliament Academic Fellow (2020-21), Yvette also received a RSE Personal Research Fellowship Queer Futures: Alternative Models for Social Justice (2023-2024). 

Yvette was Visiting Professor, Centre for Feminist Research, York University (2020), and at the Australian National University (2018). She has received several international fellowships including the Lillian Robinson Fellowship, Concordia University (2009) and a Fulbright Scholarship, Rutgers University (2010-2011). She has obtained a wide variety of funding, including via an EU Norface (£1.4m) 3 year project 'Comparing Intersectional Life Course Inequalities amongst LGBTQI+ Citizens in Four European Counties'. Other projects include ESRC funded  ‘From the Coal Face to the Car Park? Gender and Class in the North East of England’ (2007-2009), ‘Making Space for Queer Identifying Religious Youth’ (2011-2013) and British Academy mid-career fellowship ‘Critical Terrain: Dividing Lines and Lives’ (2013-2014). 

Yvette has published five  sole-authored books based on funded research: Working-class Lesbian Life (2007); Lesbian and Gay Parenting (2009); Fitting Into Place? Class and Gender Geographies and Temporalities (2012); Making Space for Queer Identifying Religious Youth (2015);  Working-Class Queers. Time, Place & Politics  (Pluto, 2023) and co-authored Feminist Repetitions in Higher Education: Interrupting Career Categories (2020). 

Edited titles include Queer Precarities in and out of Higher Education (2023); Queer Sharing in the Marketized University (2022); The Palgrave Handbook of Imposter Syndrome in Higher Education (2022);  Feeling Academic in the Neoliberal University (2018); Queering Religion, Religious Queers (2014). Yvette edits the Palgrave Gender and Education Series and co-edits the Routledge Advances in Critical Diversities Series and is on the Editorial Boards of Gender and Education, Social and Cultural Geography, Sexualities (Sociology 2011-2016). She set up the Strathclyde Feminist Research Network Seminar Series in 2016, since co-organized colleagues. 

Yvette teaches on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes including the MEd Education Studies, the MSc Applied Gender Studies and delivers CLPL 'Feminist Classrooms' to practitioners.  Yvette mentors a variety of early career researchers, and acts as named mentor on fellowships including ESRC postdocts, Marie Curie, Leverhulme, Fulbright Distinguished Teacher schemes, and Scottish Graduate School of Social Science (SGSSS) funded postdoc (2021-2022) 'International Trans and Intersex Activist Relationships'. Yvette supervises across areas of class, disability, feminism, gender, higher education, religion, sexuality, widening participation - and currently supervises the following PhDs, including ESRC and Research Excellence funded:

Cared Experienced Students

Queer, Disability & Higher Education 

Queer Parenting & Schooling

Student Estrangement 

Social class and the 'Bottom Reading Group

Gender Performance in Rural Secondary School

Immigrant and Refuge Students

Hijra Community in India

Queer Teachers

Negotiations of Sexual Consent

Trans Lives & Social Media








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Professional Activities

On Working Class Queers - Time, Place & Politics. The Subjective Space Podcast.
Invited speaker
Celebrating Feminist and Anti-racist Pedagogies in Practice: bell hooks's Teaching to Transgress 30 Years on
Invited speaker
Playing the essay: feminist approaches to interactive writing
Queer Sharing as Method
Wellbeing and resilience during the PhD journey: 'Imposter Syndrome'
Invited speaker
The Cost of Being a Women RSE International Women's Day Event

More professional activities


Queer Social Justice as Academic Practice
Taylor, Yvette (Principal Investigator)
Queer Social Justice as Academic Practice is a participatory interdisciplinary workshop providing provocations in ongoing research issues and urgencies. Situated within queer and feminist research methods, offering inspiration, critical reflection and practical sessions it thinks about what research matters, and why? Is our mattering measured in or beyond citation, or what other measures of ‘use’ might we imagine as we reconstruct our mattering?
03-Jun-2024 - 30-Jun-2025
Feminist Research Methods Across Universities: Research practice, process & power relations
Breeze, Maddie (Principal Investigator) Taylor, Yvette (Co-investigator) Govinda, Radhika (Co-investigator) Mackay, Jennifer (Co-investigator)
In-depth SGSSS-SGSAH funded workshop building on previous Spring into Methods events, expanding successful collaborations across the Universities of Edinburgh, Queen Margaret, Stirling, and Strathclyde. Mobilizing interdisciplinary networks – theGender Research Group (Stirling), Feminist Research Network (Strathclyde), GENDER.ED (UoE) - ensures the workshop appeals to a full range of Arts & Humanities and Social Science postgraduate researchers. In response to feedback we have enhanced representation of a range of universities, and aim to include participants from diverse Scottish HEIs.
25-Apr-2024 - 27-Apr-2024
Challenging Justice Inequalities. Co-producing change with children in conflict with the law
Vaswani, Nina (Principal Investigator) Donnelly, Michelle (Co-investigator) Porter, Robert Benjamin (Co-investigator) Taylor, Yvette (Co-investigator)
01-Apr-2024 - 30-Jun-2026
Queer Futures: Alternative Models for Social Justice
Taylor, Yvette (Principal Investigator)
31-Aug-2023 - 11-Jan-2025
Queer social justice: open innovation pop-ups
Taylor, Yvette (Co-investigator)
01-Apr-2023 - 31-Mar-2028
Safe to Be Me - Evaluation
Mevawalla, Zinnia (Principal Investigator) Taylor, Yvette (Co-investigator) Wall, Kate (Co-investigator) Molyneaux, Kate (Researcher)
01-Nov-2022 - 15-Mar-2024

More projects

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Professor Yvette Taylor

Tel: 444 8048