Dr Patrick Thomson

Teaching Fellow

Pure and Applied Chemistry


Personal statement

I'm currently the head of First Year in the school of Pure & Applied Chemistry. I run the first year teaching laboratory and the chemistry summer school, and I lecture on introductory organic chemistry for first year students. Additionally, I provide staff professional development on several well-established educational enhancements, such as Peer Instruction.

I am interested in chemical education, and laboratory education specifically. Within this area I conduct research on guided inquiry, a framework for building from a novice to expert lab scientist.

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Area of Expertise

  • Guided Inquiry
  • Chemical Education
  • Laboratory Education
  • Peer Instruction
  • Pre-Labs
  • Blended Learning

Prize And Awards

Best poster prize at chemistry education conference
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Best poster prize at chemistry conference

More prizes and awards


Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry

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Responses of teachers in Scotland to the reintroduction of the practical project in the advanced higher chemistry curriculum
Traynor Erin, Scott Fraser J, Thomson Patrick I T
Chemistry Teacher International (2024)
Integrated instructions and solvent polarity indicators : reducing the complexity of first-time distillation
Thomson Patrick I T, Cleary Deborah
Journal of Chemical Education Vol 101, pp. 4321-4326 (2024)
A snapshot of UK pre-lab practices
Arenas Benjamin E, Haddow Mairi, Kirkham Anna, Navarro Reguero Cristina, Thomson Patrick
Variety in Chemistry Education/Physics Higher Education Conference 2024 (2024)
ChemQuest - the education for sustainable development game
Gibson Lorraine, Sprick Reiner Sebastian, Thomson Patrick, Stevens David
Variety in Chemistry Education Physics Higher Education Conference (2024)
Introducing graduate employability skills to year 1 chemistry students : reflecting upon impact
Gibson van Mil Lorraine, De Pascale Egizia, Thomson Patrick I T, Walker Sarah, Scott Fraser J
Journal of Chemical Education Vol 101, pp. 3003-3012 (2024)
Use of a one-page reference guide in on-campus timed exams : reflections and assessment of its impact on students in a post-open-book world
Gibson van Mil Lorraine T, Shermer Gan, Thomson Patrick I T
Journal of Chemical Education Vol 101, pp. 3344–3351 (2024)

More publications

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I am interested in chemical education, and laboratory education specifically. Within this area I conduct research on guided inquiry, a framework for building from a novice to expert lab scientist.

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Professional Activities

Journal of Chemical Education (Journal)
Peer reviewer
The undergraduate lab practical transformation
The WELLChem project: mental health, anxiety, and the chemistry laboratory
Cogent Education (Journal)
Peer reviewer
Journal of Chemical Education (Journal)
Peer reviewer
Colin McGill

More professional activities


Technicians' CLPL
Cleary, Deborah Mary (Principal Investigator) Scott, Fraser (Principal Investigator) Thomson, Patrick (Principal Investigator)
Scotland-wide technicians' practical CLPL day, part-funded by an externally awarded RSC empowerment grant and an additional £500 grant from the RSC's Education Community (Scotland) Interest Group
06-Jan-2024 - 06-Jan-2024
24th West of Scotland Meeting for Teachers of Chemistry
Thomson, Patrick (Principal Investigator) Wark, Alastair (Principal Investigator) Scott, Fraser (Principal Investigator)
Hosted conference, funded with £1200 from the Royal Society of Chemistry
11-Jan-2024 - 11-Jan-2024
Student Mental Health and Anxiety as a Hidden Disability in UK Chemistry Labs
Thomson, Patrick (Principal Investigator) Scott, Fraser (Co-investigator) Willison, Debra (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2025
Chemistry Teacher & Technician Networking Meeting
Thomson, Patrick (Principal Investigator) Scott, Fraser (Principal Investigator) Wark, Alastair (Principal Investigator)
Hosting an event organised by Education Scotland, and supported with ~£350 of their funding. Included Advanced Higher practical training.
15-Jan-2023 - 15-Jan-2023
North Lanarkshire Technicians' CLPL
Cleary, Deborah Mary (Principal Investigator) Scott, Fraser (Principal Investigator) Thomson, Patrick (Principal Investigator)
North Lanarkshire Technicians' practical CLPL day, part-funded by an externally awarded RSC empowerment grant
02-Jan-2023 - 02-Jan-2023
23rd West of Scotland Meeting for Teachers of Chemistry
Thomson, Patrick (Principal Investigator) Wark, Alastair (Principal Investigator) Scott, Fraser (Principal Investigator)
Hosted conference, funded with £1000 from the Royal Society of Chemistry.
12-Jan-2023 - 12-Jan-2023

More projects

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Dr Patrick Thomson
Teaching Fellow
Pure and Applied Chemistry

Email: patrick.thomson@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 2347