Dr Jessica Enara Vian
Knowledge Exchange Associate
Work, Employment and Organisation
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Prize And Awards
- Research Excellence Award - PhD Studentship
- Recipient
- 2019
- Student Exchange Scholarship
- Recipient
- 2012
- Brazilian Educational Reforms: The distinct subjectivities framed by educational proposals in Brazil between the decades of 30/40s, 60/70s and in the 90's
- Recipient
- 2011
- Disciplinary society and society of control: fields, devices and the production of subjectivity
- Recipient
- 2010
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- Operationalising an ecosocialist approach to sustainability transition : a socio-metabolic assessment model
- Vian Jessica Enara
- ICTA-UAB Growth vs Climate Conference (2024)
- Towards a synthesized critique of forest-based 'carbon fix' strategies
- Vian Jessica Enara, Garvey Brian, Tuohy Paul Gerard
- Climate Resilience and Sustainability Vol 2 (2023)
- https://doi.org/10.1002/cli2.48
- Espaço Público, Mídias Alternativas e Subjetividade : A transformação que vem das ruas
- Muylaert Marília Aparecida, Vian Jessica Enara, Ribeiro Jonathan
- Psicologia, políticas e movimentos sociais (2016) (2016)
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Professional Activities
- BASE Conference 2024
- Speaker
- 19/11/2024
- Symposium on Socioecological Leadership, Organisation, and Work
- Participant
- 18/7/2024
- ESRC PrOPEL Hub Knowledge Exchange Bootcamp
- Participant
- 25/6/2024
- Commoning Beyond Growth Workshop
- Participant
- 5/6/2024
- Mental Health, Workplace Wellbeing and Productivity
- Participant
- 20/5/2024
- Ecological Crises & Organization (ECO) Workshop
- Participant
- 13/5/2024
- West London Alliance IPS in Primary Care, Social Care and Further Education Pathways Evaluation - Part 2
- Whitworth, Adam (Principal Investigator) Cullen, Anne Marie (Co-investigator) Vian, Jessica Enara (Co-investigator)
- Combined KE 4409 and KE 4410
- 01-Jan-2024 - 30-Jan-2025
- Evaluating North Wales Supported Employment Model for people with learning difficulties
- Whitworth, Adam (Principal Investigator) Cullen, Anne Marie (Co-investigator) Vian, Jessica Enara (Research Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2027
- Developing Supported Employment Quality Framework (SEQF) resources KE project
- Whitworth, Adam (Principal Investigator) Vian, Jessica Enara (Co-investigator)
- Collaborative KE project with BASE to develop a set of SEQF fidelity resources to help Supported Employment providers to deliver the model to high fidelity and quality.
- 03-Jan-2023 - 26-Jan-2024
- IAA Supporting supported employment
- Whitworth, Adam (Principal Investigator) Vian, Jessica Enara (Research Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2024
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Jessica Enara
Knowledge Exchange Associate
Work, Employment and Organisation
Email: jessica.vian@strath.ac.uk
Tel: Unlisted