Professor Beverly Wagner

Head Of Department



Personal statement

I joined the Department in September 2007, promoted to Reader in 2012 and Professor in 2019. Previously I worked as a lecturer at the University of Stirling and the University of Glasgow as a research assistant. Prior to that, I was self-employed.  Since September 2020 I have been Head of Department. My research interests relate to supply chain management with a focus on inter and intra firm collaboration and innovation management, specifically open innovation processes and implementation. I am currently leading two Open Innovation projects funded by Scottish Enterprise, supporting fifteen Private and Public sector organisations with their innovation journey.  I am also developing and facilitating Open Innovation workshops with the Digital Office for Scottish Government. I frequently deliver seminars and lectures around the world in countries such as Finland, India, Spain, South Africa and Taiwan. My work is inter-disciplinary in nature and I have long-standing partnerships with colleagues across the University, in particular Professors John Liggat (Pure and Applied Chemistry) and Jillian MacBryde (DMEM).  I also collaborate with colleagues from international Universities and Institutions.  I am Co-Chair and Co-Organiser for the R&D Management Conference 2021 “Innovation in an Era of Disruption”, hosted by the University of Strathclyde in the Technology Innovation Centre.

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Area of Expertise

I have been Editor-in-Chief of Supply Chain Management: An International Journal since 2001 and serve on the Editorial Board for a number of journals including European Business Review and International Journal of Operations and Production Management. I have co-edited special issues for European Business Review, titled "Management Theory and Practice: Bridging the Gap through Multidisciplinary Lenses" and in Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, titled “Supply Chain Management: Current Education Provision and Practitioner Needs.” I have published widely in International peer reviewed journals.

Prize And Awards

Research Excellence Award - Frugal innovation for Sustainable & Resilient Energy Resource Optimization: Mitigating the Energy Crisis
Research Excellence Award -Theoretical Development and Empirical Investigation into the effects of disruptive technological change on smart supply chain innovation: a focus on sustainability

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I have taught a wide range of marketing subjects to  undergraduate and postgraduate students, topics include; Marketing Strategy, Integrated Marketing Communications, Entrepreneurial Marketing, Branding, Supply Chain Management, Innovation and New Product Development and Supply Chain Digitalisation. 

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Research Interests

My research interests are in the field of supply chain management and innovation management. This includes buyer/supplier relationships, supplier development, collaboration and more recently supply chain sustainability.  Linked to innovation management current research relates to open innovation implementation, the circular economy, frugal innovation and adoption of disruptive technologies. 

Professional Activities

Enabling Digital Transformation for SMEs - Enabling Digital Transformation for SMEsAn Industry 4.0 Open Innovation Platform
Engage with Strathclyde 2022
Research and Development Management Association (RADMA) (External organisation)
R&D Management Conference 2021
R&D Management Conference 2021
R&D Management Conference 2021

More professional activities


Enabling Digital Transformation for SMEs: An Industry 4.0 Open Innovation Platform
Wagner, Beverly (Principal Investigator) Mcdougall, Natalie (Co-investigator)
10-Jan-2023 - 13-Jan-2024
Economic and environmental impact of Scottish Public Sector Procurement: measuring "doing good"
Wagner, Beverly (Principal Investigator) Wilson, Juliette (Principal Investigator)
Two workshops intended as fact finding exercises to assess factors that help and hinder the economic and environmental impact of Scottish Public Sector Procurement.
30-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2023
Modern Slavery: An Exploratory Review
Wagner, Beverly (Principal Investigator) Wilson, Juliette (Principal Investigator)
To explore the state of preparedness of organisations and bodies who are involved in finding ways to prevent and mitigate against modern slavery.
01-Jan-2022 - 30-Jan-2023
Modern Slavery: An Explorative Review (Saorsa)
Wagner, Beverly (Principal Investigator) Wilson, Juliette (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 30-Jan-2023
Feasibility Study into the Options for Improved Analytics within Elcom’s MI Platform
Wagner, Beverly (Principal Investigator) Wilson, Juliette (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2023
Project FUSION: Unlocking the value of Local Network Flexibility in SP Networks- Year 2
Wagner, Beverly (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2023

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Professor Beverly Wagner
Head Of Department

Tel: 548 3246