Dr Adam Whitworth


Work, Employment and Organisation


Personal statement

Professor Adam Whitworth is an expert in the design and analysis of employment support interventions to support people to move into, stay in and progress in employment. He has particular expertise in issues around work-health, Supported Employment and IPS in population groups beyond severe mental health, quasi-market forms and effects, local integration, and policy analysis. He has published over 50 peer reviewed articles, book chapters and policy reports.

An applied scholar by nature, his work combines theoretical and empirical analysis and relates to key priorities and challenges amongst policy stakeholders and programmes. He has supported the design and mobilisation of large scale employment interventions in central and regional government in the UK context, including the world's largest IPS trial. 

He serves on the Editorial Board of Social Policy & Administration and is a member of the Social Policy Association. Prior to joining Strathclyde in 2021 he worked at the Universities of Sheffield and Oxford. He holds an undergraduate degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics (First Class), MSc and DPhil in Comparative Social Policy all from the University of Oxford.

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DPhil (2007) University of Oxford: 'Work, care and social inclusion: lone motherhood under New Labour'

MSc Comparative Social Policy (2003) University of Oxford

MA (Hons) Politics, Philosophy and Economics (First Class) (2001) St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford

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Research Interests

Research Interests:

  • employment support policy
  • labour market activation
  • quasi-market forms and effects
  • policy design and governance
  • Individual Placement and Support (IPS)
  • work and health
  • labour market precarity
  • socio-spatial inequality
  • comparative social policy
  • policy evaluation
  • small area estimation


West London Alliance IPS in Primary Care, Social Care and Further Education Pathways Evaluation - Part 2
Whitworth, Adam (Principal Investigator) Cullen, Anne Marie (Co-investigator) Vian, Jessica Enara (Co-investigator)
Combined KE 4409 and KE 4410
01-Jan-2024 - 30-Jan-2025
Evaluating North Wales Supported Employment Model for people with learning difficulties
Whitworth, Adam (Principal Investigator) Cullen, Anne Marie (Co-investigator) Vian, Jessica Enara (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2027
WHERC: Building towards a vision of Work-Health Expert Research Collaboration/Centre (WHDA-01-01)
Whitworth, Adam (Principal Investigator) Megiddo, Itamar (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2024
Developing Supported Employment Quality Framework (SEQF) resources KE project
Whitworth, Adam (Principal Investigator) Vian, Jessica Enara (Co-investigator)
Collaborative KE project with BASE to develop a set of SEQF fidelity resources to help Supported Employment providers to deliver the model to high fidelity and quality.
03-Jan-2023 - 26-Jan-2024
IAA Supporting supported employment
Whitworth, Adam (Principal Investigator) Vian, Jessica Enara (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2024
Driving forwards national insights and impacts in Supported Employment
Whitworth, Adam (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2028

More projects

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Dr Adam Whitworth
Work, Employment and Organisation

Email: adam.whitworth@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 553 6064