Ms Lijie Yu
Accounting and Finance
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Area of Expertise
- Institutional Investors
- Hedge Funds
- Corporate Finance
- Financial Regulations
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- Born after the Volcker Rule : regulatory change, managerial remuneration and hedge fund performance
- Bowe Michael, Kolokolova Olga, Yu Lijie
- European Financial Management Vol 30, pp. 1668-1707 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1111/eufm.12457
- Advisor-hedge fund connections, information flows and deal outcomes in mergers and acquisitions
- Bowe Michael, Kolokolova Olga, Yu Lijie
- (2022)
- https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4228508
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PG: AG924 Portfolio Theory Management
PG: AG986 Equity Analysis
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Research Interests
Institutional Investors, Hedge Funds, Corporate Finance and Governance, Information flows, ESG/CSR