Strathclyde Online LearningflexED

Designing flexible education in partnership with business & industry

At the University of Strathclyde, we design and develop bespoke programmes in collaboration with our industry and business partners. We make sure activities are allied to your existing talent management structures whilst growing the capability of your workforce.

Our employer-centred design focuses on flexibility, minimising time absent from the workplace.

flexED provides an innovative blend of knowledge, capability and professional learning comprising:

  • tailored knowledge and capability presented in your sector context
  • cutting edge discipline content
  • learning outcomes that relate to relevant professional body competencies, demonstrated in the workplace

Through our programmes, the learning journey can be delivered through online, blended or face-to-face learning - including in your workplace, when it suits you and your employees.

Work based learning

Our bespoke programmes can also include Work Based Learning elements which:

  • focus on existing, rather than additional, work place tasks
  • create a portfolio of evidence while balancing workload and supporting employee wellbeing
  • map knowledge to practice through the currency of professional competencies
  • recognise activity in the workplace for the credit award towards academic qualifications
  • reinforce the immediate application of learning to the workplace – evidencing return on investment and impact

Work Based Learning can be delivered to suit the needs of your organisation and the Learners through:

  • tailored 1-2-1 support from University of Strathclyde Learning Advisors in the workplace
  • Learners controlling their specific competencies via an e-portfolio
  • competencies aligned to relevant professional body accreditation
  • provision of regular performance reports provided for both Learners and Employer

Together in partnership

We deliver a cohesive, partnership-led, high quality employer and employee experience, consistently across all activities.

We offer a coordinated, collaborative development process designed to meet your organisational needs. We can also work with you to develop opportunities, influence funders, and operate within the wider funding landscape.

We also work across partnerships to unlock potential staff development opportunities through facilitating sector collaborations.

For more details on how we can work with your organisation, please contact us at We look forward to hearing from you.