Ocean, air & spaceRisk, safety & reliability (resilience)

Transversal to all the activities in this network, is the development of analytical and computational approaches to uncertainty-based multidisciplinary design and optimisation, and the treatment of resilience in complex engineering systems.

This area includes lifecycle risk management covering both design & operational safety

This includes computational intelligence activities based on machine learning, data analytics and combinatorial approaches to the design of integrated systems.

The study of artificial intelligence to increase the resilience of complex systems, either as a whole system or in part, is the basis of an evolving and uncertain scenario. Cloud and probabilistic computing together with multi-fidelity approaches are at the core of this network.

This network includes life cycle risk management covering both design and operational safety.

Intact and damage stability, as well as survivability of systems focuses on the prevention of losses of lives and assets while multilevel human and organisational resilience including human error and reliability, and human–system interaction focuses on prevention of accidents and incidents.

On the structural front, fracture and fatigue, corrosion and damage modelling of marine structures, risk assessment, risk-based inspection including the real-time monitoring of structures and maintenance planning of structures, are included in this sub-theme.

Finally, this area includes all activities on the sustainability and resilience of the space environment, the mitigation of risk of a collision of our space assets with space debris and the mitigation of the risk of an impact with asteroid as part of our contribution to the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.