Strathclyde Supporter PromiseOur Promise to You

September 2022

We value all of our alumni and friends. Your support and engagement plays a vital role in the success of our University in so many different ways. 

1. You decide how Strathclyde communicates with you 
We’ll respect your wishes on what you’d like to hear from us about, whether it’s our alumni communications (including our magazine), events or volunteering and fundraising.

We’ll also respect your preferences about how we keep in touch– by post, email, telephone, or through events and meetings. 

You can change your mind about how we contact you at any time. 

2. You decide where your donation will go 
Every penny of your donation will go towards the area of our work that you want to support. This is because Alumni & Development is centrally funded by the University.

We’ll handle your gift responsibly, and in a way that ensures it will have the greatest impact. 

You can also choose to let us decide where your donation can be best used. If so, we’ll ensure it goes towards an agreed University priority and the area of greatest need.

3. You can see the impact of your donation 
We’ll process your donation promptly and thank you for your contribution.

You’ll receive regular updates on the difference your donation has made through fundraising communications, like  our e-newsletters and events. 

If you’re a major donor to a priority project, you’ll receive a bespoke annual progress report until the project is complete, where appropriate. For example, if you’re a named donor to our Undergraduate Scholarship programme, which starts at donations of £5,000, you’ll receive an annual progress report from your student. 

4. Your personal information will be handled responsibly 
We promise to store your personal details safely and securely, in accordance with Data Protection law and our Privacy Notice. Your confidentiality will always be respected.   

We will never sell or trade your personal information with third parties.

To help us reach our 190,000+ alumni and friends around the world, we sometimes work with suppliers to contact you.  We’ll only work with organisations, external suppliers and volunteers that have been carefully selected to meet our high standards. We’ll then work closely with them to make sure they adhere to our safeguarding policies. 

5. We’ll respect your decisions 
If you tell us that you don’t want to be contacted by Alumni & Development in a particular way (by post, telephone, email or any other electronic means) or for a particular reason (for fundraising, volunteering, events or our publications and other marketing materials) then we’ll act on your wishes promptly. 

We’ll make sure that that phone calls or emails stop, at the very latest, within 28 days or postal communications within 2 months, in line with legal guidance from the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).  

6. We’ll carefully consider the donations we receive and accept from our donors 
We’ll work hard to ensure that all donations received by the University are from reputable sources.

This includes careful consideration of the following by Alumni & Development and senior staff:

  • that the donation supports a University interest or priority and is not too expensive to administer;
  • that the donor receives no significant benefit or influence; that the funds are not illegally obtained;
  • that the funds do not damage the reputation of the University and that the donation meets the requirements of current Equalities legislation.

7. We will assess the sources of donations
For any donation we will balance the benefits of funding against reputational risks, including taking into account the sources of funding not accepted as part of the University’s Research Code of Practice and taking into account the University’s Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement.

The University, through the Alumni & Development Office, receives and administers donations on the clear understanding that the funder can have no influence over the academic freedom and independence of the University. All proposed donations of £25,000 or more will be subject to a due diligence review which may be brought to the attention of relevant members of the University’s Executive Team for a decision if appropriate. The extent of due diligence and of oversight applied will increase in line with an assessment of the risk associated with the potential donor and potential size of the donation. Due diligence will also be undertaken if there is concern over the ethical implications of a potential donation, regardless of the value of the donation.

8. We will be available if you need to talk
If you have any questions or if you would like to give us feedback please contact us at

If you have a concern or a complaint about Alumni & Development activities please contact us on telephone +44(0)141 548 2773 or email Where possible, we aim to respond to you within 2 working days. 

We’ll respond honestly and promptly to your questions and concerns. If we make a mistake, we’ll apologise and act swiftly to put things right.    

Thank you for your support.