Business Engagement ServicesNational Manufacturing Institute Scotland

The National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS) is hosted by the University of Strathclyde, and Strathclyde Business School has strong ties with the Institute and the companies based there. 

The Institute, which is based close to Glasgow International Airport, is a place where industry, academia and the public sector work together on manufacturing research to transform productivity levels, making companies more competitive and innovative while boosting the skills of the current and future workforce. 

A network of partners and collaborators – including Strathclyde - support manufacturers of all different sizes in all regions at the Institute on a variety of projects. 

The Institute is supported by Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, High-Value Manufacturing Catapult, Skills Development Scotland, Scottish Funding Council and Renfrewshire Council. 

For further information on NMIS visit their site.


Strathclyde Business School
University of Strathclyde
199 Cathedral Street
G4 0QU

Triple accredited

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