Prior to the MSc, I had spent most of my twenties as a nurse, in the surgical High Dependency Unit of the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow. But after realising a career in healthcare was not for me, I left and took some time to decide on my next steps. I considered a few options but always came up against a dead end. That was until I stumbled upon HR.
I realised I could still help people, but I could use the organisational, admin, and strategy skills that had been going unused. I saw the perfect career that combined the best of nursing, that I still loved, and the natural business acumen I had in a workplace context. It felt much healthier for me. Next, came the how and the where.
Choosing Strathclyde Business School quickly became the obvious choice, its accolades speaking for themselves. This was confirmed by friends who had previously studied here. They gave very quick and enthusiastic responses, telling me it would be the best decision and a great place to study. They weren’t wrong.
The fact that I would be writing an essay and would realise the article I was quoting had been written by my lecturer speaks volumes to the quality of the teaching and content offered. The range of classes and knowledge that I have been taught have been rich and genuinely interesting, giving me invaluable skills.
With such skills and through the placement opportunity for the dissertation project, I got a job with my placement company. I now get to work for an incredible HR consultancy doing a job I could only have dreamed of at an organisation who lives out the ideal HR you will read about in the textbooks.
With the friendliness of the staff and people of Glasgow, it was a truly enjoyable experience. The best advice I could give is even when it's intense or stressful, just try to enjoy it. Take a step back and remember the opportunity you have. Make use of the professors too, they know their stuff and they will want to help! This course helped me turn my life around and set it off on a far more enjoyable trajectory, I believe it can do the same for you.