MSc Software DevelopmentFrances Grant

What were your reasons for taking on a postgraduate degree?

I had completed my undergraduate in Architecture and I was looking to change careers to Software Development. A conversion masters felt like the best way to complete the transition and would give me the confidence to take on a job in a technical role.

How did you make the decision to study at Strathclyde? 

I knew I wanted to study at a university with strong industry links. I made the decision to study at Strathclyde as I was aware of their strong industry links within Glasgow and that their research was industry focussed.

What do you like about your course and Strathclyde?

I like that my course covers a wide range of programming languages and projects which has made me feel more prepared for going into industry. 

What specialist knowledge/professional skills have you developed whilst studying the course?

The course has focused on both the practical and theoretical aspects of software development. I feel confident both in the development of applications, and management of developing practices as a result of this.

What are your ambitions for the future and how do you think your time at Strathclyde will help you achieve your goals?

My ambitions for the near future are to continue learning as much as possible in my first software-developing role and to work on projects that are impactful. I am looking forward to using Strathclyde’s strong alumni network to support this ambition as I transition from education to industry.