About the biomedical engineering department

The goal of the department is to transform and improve future healthcare through innovations and advances in science in technology.

We're an internationally recognised centre of excellence for education and research with over 50 years of experience. We put a particular emphasis on clinical related research.

We offer students unrivalled undergraduate and postgraduate opportunities for study in biomedical engineering.

The department incorporates the National Centre for Prosthetics and Orthotics which is one of only two institutions in the UK offering undergraduate and postgraduate education in prosthetics and orthotics.

Our global community

We're well connected with the local, national and international medical device and life science community. The department of biomedical engineering incorporates the Strathclyde Institute for Medical Devices who work with these different communities particularly with the SME community.

We've a long history in international outreach, being renowned world-wide for our research and educational programmes for over 40 years.

Within the past year alone, staff and students of the department have taken part in a number of visits and exchanges with leading research institutions in Brazil, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and USA.

Established research programmes are in place with partner institutions in the USA, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, including:

Recently we've played host to a number of distinguished visitors from overseas in recent months, including:

Contact us

We welcome any enquiries about our research and educational programmes.

If you have any questions about our international research or staff and student exchanges please contact Dr Richard Black.

The Department of Biomedical Engineering is ranked No.1 in the UK for Medical Technology