In 2022, the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering became the only engineering department in the UK to hold a Gold Athena Swan Award.
This award marks our commitment to being an inclusive and supportive place to work and study, and recognises our efforts to improve and embed gender equality in all aspects of department activity. The award also acknowledges the role of many of our staff and students in developing best practice across the University, HE and Civil & Environmental Engineering sectors. If you want to know more about the work we have been doing, please look at our application which can be downloaded here: Athena Swan Gold Application CEE.
By being part of Athena Swan, institutions are committing to adopting principles to promote gender equality and diversity within their policies, practice and culture. The Athena Swan Charter is a global framework established in 2005 to support gender equality within higher education (HE) and research, and recognise commitment to advancing the careers of women in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM) employment.
The Department was the first engineering department in Scotland to be awarded an Athena Swan Silver Award, which it held from 2013-2022. The EDI committee which leads all Athena Swan activity includes staff and students from across the department.