Design, Manufacturing & Engineering ManagementPatipat Archana: Glasgow - not just a sport

If you are football fan, there are two main football teams in Scotland: Celtic and Rangers. The competition between the two clubs has been deeply embedded in Scottish culture, not just about the sport but also about society and religion.

Awesome and unforgettable

I had a chance to watch a live football match in the Celtic Park Football Stadium that was awesome and unforgettable.

A football match taking place at Celtic Park, Glasgow

The atmosphere was very exciting. I got the chance to sing along with the other supporters. The overall atmosphere was so much fun it simply does not compare with watching at home at all.

Patipat Archana, Design, Manufacture & Engineering Management student at Celtic Park, Glasgow

I would say I had already become a Scottish football fan by the end of it!

Patipat Archana, postgraduate student in Department of Design, Manufacture & Engineering Management