Home country: Panama
Current job: Process Analyst
1. What made you consider Engineering as a subject area?
It was never clear to me that I wanted to be part of the engineering field. Since I was five years old, I remember that my dream was to become a dentist. In fact, all the aptitude tests during my senior year at High school recommended medicine area as the first option to study.
At that moment, I did not know how diverse and beautiful the engineering area was until I started researching and consulting with professionals. Luckily, I have the best examples at home, my parents; they are both engineers. When I was about to sign the enrolment paper to join the dentistry program, I was able to visualise that it was a beautiful area of study, but not my passion. To this day, I do not regret this decision.
Within the engineering area, I decided to go for the industrial part because you mainly learn to manage, transform, and modify the resources of a company using traditional and innovative techniques and methodologies, and this seemed incredible to me. Today, being a woman in engineering fills me with pride and has opened me the doors to many contacts, jobs, and unforgettable experiences.