The Car
- Electrical drivetrain
- FuturEnergy 1kW 48VAC generator
- Fully rated back-to-back converter utilised to interface generator and motor.
- Generator controller used for maximum power point tracking. Motor controller used to control DC link voltage
- 2kW BLDC motor
- Design ground speed ~50% wind speed
- 1:3.5 gearing to axle
- FuturEnergy 3 blade rotor system
- Designed to be interchangeable with 5 blades
- Variable speed, stall regulated.
- 5 different pitch options
- Generator torque control
- Ducted for safety with aerodynamic benefits
- Lightweight duct design
- Repurposed wind turbine nacelle cover
- Aerodynamic shape
- Not load bearing
- Easily removed for ease of access
- Simple welded aluminium chassis
- Structural box section for motor housing and mast support
- Minimal structure and forward steering for simplicity and weight benefits