Naval Architecture, Ocean & Marine EngineeringWorking with business & organisations

Ways we assist Industry

The department of Naval Architecture Ocean and Marine Engineering is the leader in maritime research and education in the UK and beyond thanks to our global reputation in the field of marine technology, we work closely with industry demonstrating a clear pathway from research towards achieving on the ground industry impact.

Our academics and researchers conduct international leading research. Being the largest naval architecture ocean and marine engineering department in UK and EU we have academics specialised in almost every area that requires attention.

We are very happy to work with industry and help them not only when facing business challenges but also to enhance performance, safety and efficiency.

There are a number of ways that we can work with you, from short and sharp interventions to long-term collaborations. Please see ways of collaboration below.

a student holds a remote control in his left hand, while tending to his hand made boat with his right hand

Student projects

Industrial engagement is a central part of our teaching practice. Every year our fourth and fifth-year undergraduates, and our postgraduate taught masters students conduct individual projects to address key emerging challenges of the maritime sector. We cooperate with companies to define project topics for our students. In an industrial project students are supervised by an academic staff and a representative from the company.

Cooperation in these student projects can be an ideal mechanism for you as a business to gain an appreciation of what our department can do to help resolving your business challenges.

We also encourage our students to take summer internships relevant to their degree, this can be another way to engage with our department which can hopefully lead into bigger collaborations.


When you need expert advice or some other short-term intervention in the areas covered by our research and teaching, we can provide this on a consultancy basis.

We provide consultancy and expert advice across our research areas. Please contact directly to discuss your requirements.

Two business men in a warehouse

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP)

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships are partly government-funded long-term collaborations between businesses and universities. NAOME has a track record of success with the KTP initiative and have helped businesses across the UK to develop and improve. Most recently our KTP with A.P&A. Ltd was awarded with Grade A from the West of Scotland KTP Centre which demonstrates excellent impact. Take a look at our KTP with A.P & A. Ltd.

If you want to find out more about KTP's please contact