Graduate Outcomes is the name of the UK wide survey of leavers from Higher Education. Students who gain a qualification from the University of Strathclyde will be contacted 15 months after they received their award, by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) and asked about their career and study activities to date.

Why Strathclyde?What do graduates do?

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Information from the Graduate Outcomes survey is crucial in allowing current and future students to make informed choices. It helps the University promote and evaluate our courses and provides insight on the labour market to our Careers Service.
Results from the survey are released as open data on the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) website. It is also published in Discover Uni, the official source of information on Higher Education from the funding councils.
The survey runs four times a year, and we'll be in touch with students who have gained a qualification both six and twelve months after you gain your qualification to ask you to update your contact details.
If you are still a student, please make sure that your contact details on Pegasus are up-to-date! If you are not a student but would still like to update your details, you can contact Student Surveys or Alumni.