What are the equity challenges in delivering actions to reduce energy demand?

All-Energy 24, Wednesday 15 May, 16:00-17:30


Reducing energy demand is a critical component of Scotland’s and the wider UK’s efforts to realise net zero targets by 2045 and 2050 respectively. Action on energy demand can support jobs and income generation, strengthen energy security, deliver quicker and cheaper energy systems, help alleviate fuel poverty and improve health outcomes. Yet in order to deliver these positive outcomes it is vital that policies to reduce energy demand and/or shift demand to more sustainable sources, such as demand flexibility, are designed and implemented in ways that ensure that particular places, groups or individuals are not left behind or unfairly burdened in terms of costs.

Drawing on new research being generated by the UKRI-funded Energy Demand Research Centre (EDRC) this timely event will discuss how Government, industry, civil society, academics and others can work together to bring an equity focus to addressing energy demand issues that can accelerate progress towards a sustainable and more equitable net zero transition.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Professor Karen Turner, Director, Centre for Energy Policy and equity theme lead, Energy Demand Research Centre
  • Dr Jose Luis Ramirez-Mendiola, Postdoctoral Research Fellow on Flexibility in Energy Demand, University of Reading
  • Rob McGaughey, Head of Smart Heat, Scottish Power 
  • Catherine Williams, Deputy Director for Heat in Buildings Delivery, Scottish Government
  • Alf Young, The Times and Visiting Professor, Centre for Energy Policy (Chair)