CISS originally developed the Mandarin Framework with Chinese Exchange Teachers (CETs) in mind; however, these documents can be used by any teacher introducing Mandarin to complete Beginners at any stage of the BGE.
Follow the links below to find the first and second stage Framework Documents for Second Level.
Mandarin Framework - Stage 1 Wordmat
Stage 2:
Feel free to use this Framework to help you in your planning of Mandarin, and please get in touch with, if you have any questions or comments.
What if you don't have a language specialist or CET?
In many schools, a lack of language specialists might prevent curious, capable learners from experiencing Mandarin. At CISS we strive to ensure this opportunity is available to students across the country, and our network of Confucius Classroom Hubs make an important contribution towards this goal.
Students from a Hub at Braehead Primary in Stirling used the skills they developed following the framework to create a series of comic strips and dialogues which have been further developed into the resources below. With native speaker audio for every piece of vocabulary and each phrase, any classroom can get started with Mandarin.