Confucius Institute for Scotland's SchoolsResources for learning & teaching

Our aim is to support teachers in Scottish schools to deliver excellence in Chinese language learning.

We provide high quality professional learning opportunities to support the teaching and learning of languages across all sectors and all parts of the country.

We host national conferences and school learning events. To join our mailing list, please email

Support for teachers


We offer teachers the following free resources available to download and use straight away in the classroom:

Mandarin Ebooks - Our ebooks can be watched as a video on Vimeo. They aim to support Chinese language learning at all levels.

L3 Resources - These resources will support non-specialist and specialist Chinese teachers with the implementation of Chinese as an L3. The resources favour a gentle progression and will help practitioners embed Chinese into their learning context.

National Museums Scotland - These resources have been designed to support L3 Mandarin and in particular to link to the Teaching Notes for the new animation film produced in partnership with National Museums of Scotland.

Home Learning - If you are looking for materials to support Mandarin learning for your child at home, these materials are for children of different ages/stages and in different languages. These resources:

  • are free to access
  • children can do independently and
  • can be enjoyed together as a family